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jelazakazone May 10 2013, 18:42:07 UTC
Maybe I'm confused? I thought it was Abrams who was being excoriated, but I don't always pay good attention to these sorts of things.

I loved ST 2009. I was a little disappointed that the kick ass women completely disappeared throughout the arc of the movie. *sigh* At least they were in there at all.

I doubt I'll see the new one, but who knows. I don't go to the movies alone and I actually do have someone to go with these days.

I love that you and Larry have a tradition of seeing Trek together. My dad used to take us to everything. We saw Star Wars, and ET and Star Trek and Steve Martin etc etc etc growing up. I remember seeing Wrath of Khan when I was like 10 and being terrified. Isn't that the one where the woman has a shaved head and there is something about Voyager but they pronounce it differently?


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jelazakazone May 10 2013, 19:01:48 UTC
Oh. I'm probably wrong then. That's awesome!

Seriously. We need good strong storylines with real women. Amen.

LOL. People stream movies these days. If I wait long enough, I can buy the dvd for less than it costs to see the movie:D

Oooh, a con. I feel so conflicted about cons because in theory I'd love to go and hang out with other fans, but I really cannot handle crowds. So, I'd need to go to a con with like 200 people.

Dude. I am OLD. I was about 10 when the movie came out. LOL.

Ah, apparently the bald woman was in the first Star Trek movie. Whoa. Who knew? I am pretty sure she refers to Voyager in that film.


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jelazakazone May 10 2013, 22:29:34 UTC
OMG. Cracks me up that Tom Felton suddenly made the crowd swell, but of course it makes complete sense:D

Oh god. Please don't remind me that I should be your mother's friend. *hides face in shame*

Yeah, that's the one! The woman kept saying V'ger and it took them forever to figure out what she was saying.


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