A day

Mar 31, 2013 09:22

First of all, Happy Easter to those of you who celebrate. Happy chocolate to the rest of us who don't :D

Second, have an adorable picture of Alex being adorable via
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twitter, alexander vlahos, quilting, to do, tumblr

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Comments 11

47eleven March 31 2013, 13:31:36 UTC

Alex is so cute it's illegal.

Your day sounds busy but I'm sure it's going to be awesome.

Love ya lots.


jelazakazone March 31 2013, 13:32:59 UTC
I'm working on it. I have a bit of thing about imposter syndrome. It might take me another 10 years. It's taken me about that long with the quilting :D

ILLEGAL! So cheeky and adorable, right?

I just need to actually wake up first. LOL. Thanks, bb. Love you too!


dunderklumpen March 31 2013, 21:09:19 UTC
*lol* @ Alex.

And happy... hm... chocolate day (?) to you;)

Hope you feel less pissed off by now.

Plus got your package today. *yay* \o/ \o/ \o/
Sooooo much love! Gonna try them out tomorrow. I'm sure they'll look great!
And the mermaid is absolutely cute. She looks much prettier in person;)

Btw... I looked back through your entries but couldn't find the one in which you linked me to some pics of Merlin, Arthur etc in profile. alba linked some to me as well in the same entry. I was sure I had saved it but doesn't seem so. If you remember which post it was, let me know, please.


jelazakazone March 31 2013, 22:15:33 UTC
Too cute, right?

Must go eat more chocolate. It's Chocolate Day (not like this makes it any different from any other day for me:))

YAY!!! So happy to hear you got the package and that you love the mermaid even more. i suck at taking pictures:D

I tried to look for that post, but to no avail. I started around Mar 21 and went back to Mar 6 and couldn't find it.


issy5209 March 31 2013, 21:15:30 UTC
Happy chocolate day!
An imposter? surely not, maybe you could just call it your split personality coming through!

Alex is too cute


jelazakazone March 31 2013, 22:16:22 UTC
Same to you, although it's Monday for you, but every day is Chocolate Day for me :D

Oh yeah, definitely having imposterly feelings.


Off to find chocolate. Mmmm.


dk323 March 31 2013, 23:47:24 UTC
Thanks for the Happy Easter! Had a bit of a happy chocolate day too, lol. :p

LOL -- love that pic from Vlavla...nice one there haha.


jelazakazone March 31 2013, 23:48:35 UTC
Yay for chocolate!!! I'm telling you it, it's my religion. Glad you had a good day, bb.

Pic is from Tom Cullen of Vlavla being adorable. :D Very cute.


dk323 April 1 2013, 04:30:48 UTC
Thank you! Oh yes...chocolate is the best. ♥

*facepalm* Yeah, wrote that wrong. I don't really use Twitter so easier to get things mixed up. *blush* Vlavla is just adorable + cute way too often. :p


archaeologist_d April 4 2013, 00:49:24 UTC
Alex was being his adorable self!


jelazakazone April 4 2013, 00:49:57 UTC
Good grief, how does he stay ridiculously cute?


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