A day

Mar 31, 2013 09:22

First of all, Happy Easter to those of you who celebrate. Happy chocolate to the rest of us who don't :D

Second, have an adorable picture of Alex being adorable via
tomcullenactor .

I did not get to doing anything with quilt bases yesterday because I spent too long editing pr0n, which omg you guys, I'm stunned at the response to and feeling all flaily and verklempt and pretty much like a total imposter, but I'm going to try to own it. <3 <3 <3

So, to do:
applique peacock and turtle on quilts
make new bases for jellyfish
take parents to airport
cook brussel sprouts
sort pictures with dh
wrap up mom's little glasses in bubble wrap
laundry (I think there might be three loads? (nope, I crammed it onto two, essentially))
catch up with kids (ongoing)
go to Trader Joes
clean up in kitchen
make bed
watch parenting video with dh

alby_mangroves has made a collection on AO3 for her comment wankfest. If you wrote something, go add it. If you just want to peruse all the fun fills, go for it!

<3 <3 <3 to you all!

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/704339.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

twitter, alexander vlahos, quilting, to do, tumblr

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