Check in post

Feb 19, 2013 07:44

My goals for today:

Finish polishing OUaT fic and post bingo to KB! (er, may not happen due to one beta just recovering from illness)
Write something on PL fic (600ish words: god I love copying and pasting dialogue. Fanfic is the worst kind of cheating sometimes.)
Write sex scene for remix

Reward: start recording some podfic (holy crap: I did
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cheer, to do, check in, goals

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Comments 15

rocknvaughn February 19 2013, 13:33:10 UTC
Ah, I need to buckle down and write today. MUST write my CD today and I really want to finish a WIP I've been working on the last few days.


jelazakazone February 19 2013, 13:34:24 UTC
You doing that before work or after? I'm writing this morning!


rocknvaughn February 19 2013, 13:57:32 UTC
Nope, this is my one day off this week. It was the only way I could possibly find time to write a drabble this week. I've got to do the breakfast thing and then I'm going to sit down to do some writing!


jelazakazone February 19 2013, 13:58:44 UTC
yay! I've got a Coke Zero in the freezer, chilling and I am about to work with words. You are not on Twitter, are you?


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jelazakazone February 19 2013, 19:58:00 UTC
:( He looks so luminous here, doesn't he?


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jelazakazone February 19 2013, 21:00:44 UTC
It is a good question. I wonder if he was having some anxiety about getting another job or something, although from where I sit, I don't really feel he has anything to worry about in that regard.


teprometo February 19 2013, 20:29:36 UTC
No time to write for me. But LOTS OF VOLUNTEERING!


jelazakazone February 19 2013, 20:59:51 UTC
HURRAY FOR VOLUNTEERS! I hope you're having fun with it and it's not killing you.


dk323 February 19 2013, 22:25:31 UTC
I don't know if I'll get any writing done today. :( I did write small random bits that'll happen later on in the story (pieces of dialogue pretty much).

Love that gif of Colin. ♥ I don't know...based on his recent pictures (where he looked a bit tired), he seemed happier during S5. Possibly he's hoping for another lead in a series. Though being on Quirke and then playing Ariel at the Globe is all pretty cool. I see great things for him. :)


jelazakazone February 19 2013, 22:51:52 UTC
Hey, it's all good! Getting stuff done is getting stuff done:) I didn't write for three days, so I had a lot to focus on.

MMmm, healthy Colin is so good to look at. I thought he looked great for S5. I do love him as a leading man. I am wondering why he took that part in Quirke. Not surprised about Ariel. I really hope we can get video of that performance!


dk323 February 22 2013, 04:51:04 UTC
*nods* I agree that I'd love to see a video of his performance as Ariel too. That'd be awesome. *crosses fingers*


alby_mangroves February 20 2013, 09:52:33 UTC
Needed that, thanks Cols!

Currently throwing rocks at the moon like a primate attempting to make headway at my Art Fest piece. Then Remix on the weekend. Then Redux. Then.... other things :)


jelazakazone February 20 2013, 14:13:57 UTC
Isn't Colin just lovely here?

LOL. I feel that way some days too. Wahoo, bb. You can do it! *throws confetti*


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