Check in post

Feb 19, 2013 07:44

My goals for today:

Finish polishing OUaT fic and post bingo to KB! (er, may not happen due to one beta just recovering from illness)
Write something on PL fic (600ish words: god I love copying and pasting dialogue. Fanfic is the worst kind of cheating sometimes.)
Write sex scene for remix

Reward: start recording some podfic (holy crap: I did
lunchee 's collab project and then I went ahead and recorded Lights Go Out, Here I go again.  God, that fic just gets better and better.  Hopefully the editing won't take me fifteen hours:D)

To do:
hustle girls back and forth to school
grocery store
cook two vegetables
allergy shots
take DD2 to/from OM (we forgot last week!)
fill up car
pay bills
schedule some appointments
talk to mom

And now, a word from Colin:

See, look, he's got his thumb up. He's telling us WE CAN DO IT! <3 <3 <3

Oh, I just discovered last night that a few days ago gmail marked some comment replies as spam. *sigh* I am sorry if I missed replying to those comments. I am going to attempt to go back and find them today.

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

cheer, to do, check in, goals

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