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Comments 48

rocknvaughn February 14 2013, 14:27:35 UTC
Wow, that was harsh! I mean, if you don't like something, then don't leave kudos. Or, at the very least, leave constructive criticism. I suppose you could say it was *attempting* to be constructive, but there's no reason for being nasty! Good Lord...

OH, ff.net. Yeah, they can be bastards over there!

Well, from fandom I've learned a few things: first, friends are the best! *snuggles you*

Also, I've learned to be more confident in my writing. I'm still my own worst critic, but it does help your confidence when people like what you write. I'm glad I've gotten back into writing. It's very rewarding for me and it gives me a break from all the RL crap and helps me deal with the rest of it a bit better.

It's lovely having places you can virtually go to share your thoughts with others on common interest topics. :)


jelazakazone February 14 2013, 14:35:46 UTC
Heh. Well, it is ff.net. I was definitely affronted initially, but now I just think it's funny. It's fanfic for godsake. I never claimed it was any good. In fact, I don't know why that one has even gotten the attention it has because I definitely don't think it's one of my best, but one of the things I like about fanfic is that it explores ideas.

*snuggles back* FRIENDS ARE THE BEST.

Yay for confidence in yourself and YAY for breaks. We all need an escape hatch.



archaeologist_d February 14 2013, 14:28:13 UTC
I love/hate that video. I like this one better because there's hope.

Ah, the trolls have descended. I'd ignore the person unless you think they have some merit. At least you didn't get one where the person made a journal just to trash yours. :P

Alex looks adorable in that one!

As for fandom, I've met some incredible people, visiting gorgeous locations and got to meet some of my favorite actors. What more could I want?


jelazakazone February 14 2013, 14:37:47 UTC
Meh. I don't think that story is a particularly good one. She posted as anon, so I can't respond to her and you know, it's fanfic. I never claimed it was good. LOL.

:) I'm glad you like that picture of Alex too. Squeee:D

YES! Meeting the people has been amazing. I love the friendships that have come out of fandom.

This vid is much much happier. Thank you for sharing it.


archaeologist_d February 14 2013, 14:58:51 UTC
Yeah, the anon part isn't cool. LOL on the fanfic comment.


jelazakazone February 14 2013, 15:03:48 UTC
Meh. Whatever. It's good to have perspective on these things, right? At least she wasn't slamming something I'd worked really hard on!


bramble_rose February 14 2013, 14:37:58 UTC
eh, caustic construct is a lying liar with delusions of grandeur *pfft* A REAL teacher knows how to leave constructive criticism. That's a cut and pasted review with one purpose, to hurt. If the intent had been otherwise, the reviewer would have an actual account so dialogue could be exchanged, not be a "guest."

:-) Everything I know about computers, I learned because of fandom.


jelazakazone February 14 2013, 14:40:20 UTC
♥ ♥ ♥ You are so lovely to say so. I mean, it was like my worst inner critic there, but I do agree that if it had been meant as real concrit, they would have an account so dialogue could have been achieved. I can't believe she took the time to post the review though. It's like this is the first time she's read fanfic. LOL. I, myself, don't think that story is all that great, but isn't fanfic all about exploring things that implausible?

Wahoooo! That's awesome:D


bramble_rose February 14 2013, 15:05:30 UTC
What matters about fanfic is that you took the time to write it and share it with others--I rarely criticize anything because I personally cannot write for shit ;p So, if there is any criticizing, it's always balanced out by many more positive points because my goal is always to encourage the writer to WRITE MORE SO I CAN READ IT!!!!

(lol, and I just got this from one of my kids--that person criticizes like a teacher on a tv show, not a real-life teacher)

That's why I enjoy how the mods at KMM run that forum. Got no place for hate in fandom, it's my Happy Place!!! And can I add how much I enjoy when a person/writer I've known in an earlier fandom shows up in a new one :-)


jelazakazone February 14 2013, 15:09:39 UTC
I don't always aim to produce polished pieces. Or, I haven't in the past. I'm working to do better this year. The thing I love about fanfic is that it's a place I can let go and not worry about the details. I'm just trying different things out.

Wait, you showed your kids the review and that was their reaction? I LOVE IT!

Ah! That's awesome. I can't figure out the KMM for the life of me and I hate reading the stuff in that format, but I know lots of people love it. I also don't like following WIPs.

I'm totally with you. I have no place for hate in fandom. I don't frequent anon memes either.

Heh. I've not moved fandoms yet, so I haven't had that experience yet, but it definitely must be thrilling!


alba17 February 14 2013, 16:21:06 UTC
OUCH. That is so rude. I really don't understand why people take the time to make such comments. I'm really sorry that happened.

That's a lovely pic of Alex.

I haven't been able to make myself watch that vid. I've seen it posted a lot. I'm afraid to watch it.

Learned from fandom: lots. It's made me be creative in ways I haven't been in a very long time. I never really wrote fiction before. Learned how to make videos. Making connections all over the world - love that. Since I've been mostly in fandoms for British shows, I've learned a lot about the UK and British language usage and culture. :D


jelazakazone February 14 2013, 17:24:06 UTC
Eh. I expected bad reviews from ff.net. I didn't expect them to punch me right in the id though. :(

Ooooh. lovely boy.

don't watch the vid. It will make you cry. I haven't been able to watch any S5. Heck, I'm barely able to watch S1 again!

Love those connections all over the world, and right in my backyard too! ♥


riventhorn February 14 2013, 16:50:04 UTC
Ugh, I hate when people leave comments like that. Fandom should be a safe space for celebrating people's writing and creativity. Clearly, this person thinks they are an expert in creative writing. Well, guess what, CausticConstruct, or whoever you are, I think your writing tips are a bunch of crap. Maybe they work for you but everyone is different. I feel sorry for your students who had to suffer through you putting them through this formulaic exercise when writing should be about doing it in a way that is enjoyable. Writing is messy and lovely and clearly you don't get that. *deep breath*

Ignore them, bb. I love your writing and your ideas and your creativity. I'm so enjoying getting to be your beta, and I say you're a good writer, and I should know--so don't let this person get you down ( ... )


jelazakazone February 14 2013, 17:28:54 UTC
Meh. Whatever. I wonder why she picked *that* particular one to read. Really, doesn't it seem to you like she'd never read fanfic before? I know I'm not the best writer, but egads, there is plenty out there worse than what I've written. That story, by the way, isn't one of my best, although it's got the second most hits.

Thank you so much! I really appreciate your encouragement and help, especially with the damned remix.

Wow, that is AWESOME. I had someone tell me in an email that they had learned about sex and sexuality from fandom in a really good way. They learned about loving relationships through fanfic and about setting limits. I was very impressed.

So interesting that fandom has steered people's scholarly interests. I know you are not the only one and I think it's awesome.

I hide in a corner. I've not really been party to the nastiness/wank, happily. Fandom is my happy escape. Lovely, accepting and generous group of people really sums up my experience too!


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