The day of quilting

Jan 22, 2013 08:38

I am leaving the house soon for a quilt guild meeting and will be gone all morning with that. Then I have another meeting this evening that starts at 5:30.  Busy day, so I'm not around here much.

I wanted to post this gif set of Alex fooling around with a camera on the set of Merlin, but I'm too lazy to do it. Just click the link.

So, I'll give you ( Read more... )

thinky thoughts, life, alexander vlahos, to do, update, meta, recs

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Comments 13

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jelazakazone January 22 2013, 14:03:45 UTC
Well, some of the young people on my flist have been there for a while. Most of them, actually. LOL. It just hit me when I discovered that someone relatively new to me is 21.

I have really mixed feelings about it because I feel like there is this expectation that I shouldn't be hanging out with people half my age, but I adore them, so I mostly don't care.

And as you say, they will be an excellent resource as my girls get older.

TOO ADORABLE. Did you see the last few seconds of the blooper reel, where he's laughing? :D


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jelazakazone January 22 2013, 17:07:23 UTC
Hee hee. I know it! Like, did they just give him a mass of rope? It wasn't coiled?


issy5209 January 22 2013, 20:39:25 UTC
great gif, who was he taking a picture of I wonder? - the threat, it will be on the internet in an hour!


jelazakazone January 22 2013, 21:06:57 UTC
LOL. nah, those pictures were taken back in June, or whatever it was and he took down his tumblr within an hour.


rocknvaughn January 23 2013, 00:17:12 UTC
Hiya! *hugs*

Here's the link to my CD story:

In other news, you should check out the choice pics I found of Colin on my FOTS today! Yum!

Any news on what Alex's next project might be?


jelazakazone January 23 2013, 01:34:34 UTC
:::hugs::: I'm dead:) Big day. Two quilting meetings, and I had a job to do at one of them.

Yay for links. Thanks. I will check it out in a bit.

I saw those, but leaked pictures always make me a little uncomfortable, especially after the wrap party fiasco.

Nope. Nada. I've been nose deep in writing fic and family stuff and life. Well, family stuff and life anyway. I might have 1K worth of publishable words by the end of the week:P

How are you doing?


47eleven January 23 2013, 02:17:38 UTC
it's all cuter than a cute thing.

Thanks for making me smile :)


jelazakazone January 23 2013, 02:19:26 UTC
God, Alex is so cute, it should be illegal, right?

You laughing at me, person even less than half my age?;)


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jelazakazone January 23 2013, 04:00:15 UTC
:) Aw....


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