The day of quilting

Jan 22, 2013 08:38

I am leaving the house soon for a quilt guild meeting and will be gone all morning with that. Then I have another meeting this evening that starts at 5:30.  Busy day, so I'm not around here much.

I wanted to post this gif set of Alex fooling around with a camera on the set of Merlin, but I'm too lazy to do it. Just click the link.

So, I'll give you this picture instead, from this tumblr post.

Wish list of things to do today:
clean up kitchen
go to quilting meeting (collect quilts and get them registered)
watch OUaT and maybe Castle (this will probably not happen at all today, LOL)
walk with friend
pick up kids
arrange transport for DD2 to OM
go to second meeting
work on Privates fic

kleinefee92 asked a very interesting question about good stories last week.  I'm still chewing on it.

Also also, holy crap some of you people are young. As in, literally half my age.  Um, I'm a late bloomer.  Or something.  Right?  *blush*

Also the third: if you post fic to camelot_drabble , I beg of you, please link from your journal. I am terrible about missing fic that you all post there and I like to read those stories:D

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

thinky thoughts, life, alexander vlahos, to do, update, meta, recs

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