To do

Jan 23, 2013 08:44

I might have more interesting stuff to post later, but for now, my to do list.

clean up in kitchen
Wait for microwave repair man
work on Privates fic (actually make progress today)
make two more quilts (or start them)
finish up the two I've done
grocery store
cook something for dinner
allergy shots (if I have time)
collect kids from school, shunt them to dance class, pick them up
put in quilting information
pay bills
contact CO friends
try to sort out unresponsive keyboard situation
return books to library

I'm feeling a little dizzy this morning. Not sure if it's from lack of sleep or what.  I am going to try to distract myself.  Also, I got an email yesterday afternoon from the teacher that three kids in DD2's class went home with the stomach bug.  WTF. Please send mojo that we don't get it.  We are leaving on Saturday for a week in CO for skiing.

Look for an Alex picture later. Like, after we get pictures from the NTA's.  IT'S NTA DAY!!!! I have very fond memories of squeeing with lewisian_gneiss last year.  Hope we can do it again:D

Oh, did I mention this here, that I am saying YES to things now?  It feels like a shocking revelation.  I had a few years where I just say NO to everything.  It feels like a much better place to be. This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

life, to do, update

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