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jelazakazone December 17 2012, 21:10:21 UTC
*sporfle* Not to mention that the amount of work for what you get is probably disproportionate.


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jelazakazone December 17 2012, 21:14:39 UTC
Hee hee:)

Yes, this is the recipe for the chocolate hedgehog in my icon. Too much work for me. I wouldn't call it an easy win, but it keeps dh and the kids occupied, so that's a win for me:D


riventhorn December 17 2012, 21:07:11 UTC
Thanks!! I don't know if I'll get to try them this year, but I will save it for future holiday extravaganzas. :)


jelazakazone December 17 2012, 21:10:51 UTC
Hey, these guys do not have to be holiday cookies. They are appropriate all year:)


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jelazakazone December 17 2012, 23:14:40 UTC
Bwaaaa haaaa haaa. You realize that I don't make these, right?


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jelazakazone December 17 2012, 23:19:59 UTC
LOL. You can see if they will make them. Not sure how well they'd travel, given the buttercream filling, though.


archaeologist_d December 17 2012, 23:36:34 UTC
I was thinking of doing a quilt based on this picture I took of cloth in the West Bank.

... )


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archaeologist_d December 17 2012, 23:40:33 UTC
Yes. The bars had rusted onto the cloth giving those zipper-like markings. I loved the colors and the way the cloth flowed.


jelazakazone December 17 2012, 23:49:37 UTC
Fabulous! You should totally do that. Would you do the bars as part of the quilt too? I thought it was part of the fabric at first.


alba17 December 18 2012, 01:02:07 UTC
Chocolate hedgehogs! Adorable. I love hedgehogs.

Today I made gingerbread cookies for us and chocolate cake for a Scout party.

Your tumblr use is impressively wholesome.


jelazakazone December 18 2012, 01:05:44 UTC
Chocolate plus hedgehogs. What could be cuter, right?

Oooh, wow. How many did you have to resist eating?

*cough* You will notice that I have not yet signed up for Tumblr because I fear obsessive stalking behavior on my part.


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