Thoughts about Mordred

Nov 27, 2012 08:39

I posted a drabble about Mordred and Merlin on camelot_drabble , but what I'd really like to do, is talk about Mordred and Arthur and Merlin.  I read a fic this morning that was a modern au with Mordred/Merlin and I was squicked by the OOCness of it.

At this point, I see Mordred as focused, but I'm not sure what his focus is yet.  He's still really ambiguous for ( Read more... )

mordred, thinky thoughts, merlin

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Comments 23

k_nightfox November 27 2012, 14:16:58 UTC
I have a hard time believing Mordred is truly as devoted to Arthur as he'd have everyone believe. Why would he?

Cast your mind back to his childhood encounters with Arthur (and Merlin). The first time he encountered Arthur, the Prince had Mordred & Morgana arrested and thrown in the dungeon. OK, Arthur then redeemed himself by smuggling Mordred out of Camelot and back to his people. So, yeah, he would likely have come away with a fairly favourable opinion of Arthur that time.

However, the next time Mordred encountered Arthur was when Arthur lead a raid on the Druid camp where Mordred lived. That was his family Arthur was slaughtering wholesale.

Same thing happened the next time Arthur came to call. Yet another group of Druids that young Mordred had found a home with went down under Arthur's blade. That kid was pretty honked off at Merlin for that episode so why would Arthur get a pass when he was the one leading the attack?

Then we fast forward 7 or 8 years and I am supposed to believe that Mordred only remembers Arthur as his ( ... )


jelazakazone November 27 2012, 14:25:57 UTC
Yep, I'm with you 100% on these thoughts. I think that's why I keep writing Mordred fic, obsessively.

Ok, off to think about fabric. :D


k_nightfox November 27 2012, 14:52:22 UTC
Mmmm...fabric! I love fabric. I love walking around fabric stores and seeing the stuff all over. I have an entire box full of the stuff just waiting for me to learn to sew so I can make it into pretty things!

Apropos of nothing but I just broke 15k on my MH fic!


jelazakazone November 27 2012, 16:53:12 UTC
Squeee for fabric! God, I feel the same way. Except I know how to sew, so those boxes are getting good use.

Wow! Go you!


archaeologist_d November 27 2012, 17:05:06 UTC
Alex said that from the outset Mordred is very clear on what he wants - freedom to practice his magic. I think he chose Arthur because he'd have a better chance of doing that than with bat-crap crazy Morgana (because she just makes things worse for magic users every time she pops up).

I think Mordred is genuinely trying to fit in, all the while waiting for his opportunity to show Arthur that magic isn't bad. Merlin obviously isn't doing it and someone needs to step up to the plate.

Of course, it will all go horribly wrong.


jelazakazone November 27 2012, 17:33:47 UTC
Hm, yeah. I can see that. Maybe I should continue Tangled Webs and see what happens if he and sane!Morgana could defeat Arthur and Merlin (and by defeat, I mean, convince Arthur that magic isn't all bad).

Everyone fears that Merlin's magic won't be revealed and Arthur will die at the end. If the cast is really going around saying that it is a great ending and it ends that way, I'm afraid of the backlash.


archaeologist_d November 27 2012, 17:42:41 UTC
I'm confused. What backlash? Everyone knows that they are under contractual agreement not to say anything but that it's 'great', at least in public.

I also fear that Arthur dies without ever knowing Merlin's magic or that he'll find out in the last 10 seconds and give none of the fans closure. But I won't blame the cast/crew for that.

I put that squarely on the Js. If anything, they'll be getting some hate mail.


jelazakazone November 27 2012, 17:44:25 UTC
Oh, if Arthur dies and the secret is never revealed, or it's revealed as Arthur is dying, fans are not going to be happy, yet the cast is going around saying how great the ending is. I think it sets people up to hope that their fears don't come true.

Oh yeah, the blame will lie squarely on the Js. No question there. LOL at the hate mail because it's so true.


issy5209 November 27 2012, 22:21:26 UTC
I think the hard part with knowing what Morderd is thinking is that we haven't really seen him - we've only had what? 3 episodes?
I'm liking he is ambiguous, (at the moment I'm thinking that he may have been the one to rescue Morgana, but I'm sure I'll be wrong about that!
I think he and Merlin have some sort of kinship that is driving them to protect each others secret, but where will it ultimately end up, I have no idea, will Mordred betray Merlin? what drives him to kill Arthur (supposedly)
We'll all have our ideas when the series ends as to how it should have been, bút for now I really don't know!


jelazakazone November 27 2012, 22:25:51 UTC
Heh. Have you listened to the dvd commentary for 5.02 yet?

I keep trying different scenarios in fic. I feel like obliqueo. I'm still trying to settle on who/what Mordred is. He's so interesting to think about because he is so ambiguous. Even if it ends with Mordred killing Arthur, there are so many ways they could get there.


issy5209 November 28 2012, 01:13:20 UTC
oohh, is that a hint?? no I downloaded it yesterday but didn't get a chance to listen I will now though!


jelazakazone November 28 2012, 01:14:19 UTC
Go listen. It's fabulous!


dunderklumpen November 28 2012, 12:14:42 UTC
Gosh, all these questions... I could write a novel about them ( ... )


jelazakazone November 28 2012, 13:54:27 UTC
Oooh, I love that idea, that Morgana is still in touch with Mordred.

Dude. Your insights are fabulous. See, how can you not love Mordred? He's so slippery!


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