Thoughts about Mordred

Nov 27, 2012 08:39

I posted a drabble about Mordred and Merlin on camelot_drabble , but what I'd really like to do, is talk about Mordred and Arthur and Merlin.  I read a fic this morning that was a modern au with Mordred/Merlin and I was squicked by the OOCness of it.

At this point, I see Mordred as focused, but I'm not sure what his focus is yet.  He's still really ambiguous for me.  Does he want to kill Arthur to make magic users free?  Does he think that if he worms his way into Arthur's heart, he can turn Arthur around?  Why does he protect Merlin's secret?  Who is he really devoted to?  (The CD prompt has me thinking way too much this week:)).

I feel that all of his actions have significance, but I don't know what they are yet.  He's an enigma.

I've had my cup of tea this morning and I'm still kind of bleary eyed and apparently braindead too.  Just talk to me.  What do you think drives Mordred?  What are his motivations?  Who is he connected to?  Why would he stab Morgana and go to Arthur?  Do you trust that the love that binds them is greater than the power they wield?  Really?  Why would Mordred give up power for love?  What about Merlin?  Do you think he really gave up his powers with the idea that he would help Arthur rule?

Ok, stopping here.  Going to be gone this morning, so chat amongst yourselves.  Or not:)  Back later.

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

mordred, thinky thoughts, merlin

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