Crafty get stuff done

Nov 26, 2012 17:45

Ok, I was supposed to be doing crafty get stuff done posts, but um, I forgot.  I've been working on a little octopus quilt, steadily.  Not sure it's half an hour a day, but I'm making progress on it.  I'm going to go work on it now:)  Or maybe I'll just cut up more black, red, and white fabric because I started that too.  And you?  Feel free to comment or not.  I will try to remember to post a reminder tomorrow.

magog_83 did a final farewell to Merlin with her "destiny in plastic" dudes.  Go check it out. It's brilliant.

Also, rocknvaughn kindly provided me with a link to the deleted scenes, in case anyone was wondering.  It's this post at ontd-merlin.

Here's my ta-da list, to make me feel better:
  • got kids to school, with lunches 
  • cleaned up kitchen (more or less)
  • went to grocery store
  • made beef short ribs (which DD2 LOVED and DD1 ate a little bit of)
  • sat through violin lessons and more or less paid attention
  • pulled dinner together (ie, dressed two different salads and served DD2)
  • loaded dishwasher (it's running right now)
  • worked on octopus during violin lessons
Ok, I'm feeling like that list is really pathetic.  Oh well, onward and upwards, right? If I have anything else left to say today, I'll edit this post.  Three times a day is enough for me, and probably too much.

celandineb is running 3fan_holidays again this year.  It's Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Lord of the Rings.  You can read more about it here.

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

crafts, videos, merlin, ta da list, fandom, get stuff done, pimping, done did

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