Crafty get stuff done and a couple Merlin related links

Nov 27, 2012 15:44

Have you been doing your craft time?  I spent time beading at my quilt guild meeting and again at the allergist, plus I am totally going to my basement later today to play with fabric down there.  I think octopus will have to wait until tomorrow, but I will probably feel up to cutting up fabric, at the very least:)

gealach_ros has a post with the deleted scenes from S5, plus commentaries for some of the eps.  I've listened to 30 minutes of 5.02.  Damn, I could seriously listen to Colin and Alex read the phone book to each other.  Unf.

In other news, I've hardly done anything today, again.  I need to go cook brussel sprouts.  Maybe I'll feel motivated to cook the mushrooms and make miso soup too.  Want to take any bets? :D  I got kids to school, managed to get the dishwasher loaded, and went to my quilt group and the allergist.  That's it so far.  Maybe I should watch Castle while cooking.  Maybe I should eat some more caramel truffles.  Oh, I've lost 4 lbs so far!  (Well, assuming that my weight started at 150, which I thought was cheating because it had been up to 151, but the second day I weighed myself, I was down to 148, but even if we say I started at 148.5, that's still 2.5 lbs and I'm thrilled.)

Today's goal: go to bed early.  Ha!

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

get stuff done, crafts, alexander vlahos, commentary, merlin, colin morgan

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