Crafty get stuff done

Nov 26, 2012 17:45

Ok, I was supposed to be doing crafty get stuff done posts, but um, I forgot.  I've been working on a little octopus quilt, steadily.  Not sure it's half an hour a day, but I'm making progress on it.  I'm going to go work on it now:)  Or maybe I'll just cut up more black, red, and white fabric because I started that too.  And you?  Feel free to ( Read more... )

crafts, videos, merlin, ta da list, fandom, get stuff done, pimping, done did

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Comments 15

k_nightfox November 26 2012, 23:00:27 UTC
Shall I make you feel better about your day?

I got 800 words written for my MH fic. I took a shower and fought with my cats. Baked drop biscuits and grilled chicken on the Foreman for dinner. Ta da.

Oh yeah, also made a new batch of screencaps and icons no one will ever see.


jelazakazone November 26 2012, 23:01:46 UTC
Uh, that sounds like a pretty good day to me. What's wrong with that day? ♥

Why won't anyone see those icons?


k_nightfox November 26 2012, 23:04:57 UTC
Cuz for me 800 words on a writing day is pretty sad. I comfort myself with the knowledge that the night is young and I still should have a few good writing hours left...except my bestie told me she is coming to raid my closet but has failed to tell me when to expect her. I hate that. Give me a time! Even just an estimate is fine. But nope, not her, can't do that even though she knows it makes me crazy.


k_nightfox November 26 2012, 23:05:28 UTC
Oh and the icons? Cuz I always make tons and then don't get around to posting them anywhere.


issy5209 November 27 2012, 01:28:52 UTC
Ha, while I got the girls to school, one forgot her lunch!
just dropped the other of at kinder - WITH lunch and fruit!


jelazakazone November 27 2012, 01:31:49 UTC
LOL. Isn't that always the way? I try to check that everyone has lunch and whatever else they might need before we leave the house.


issy5209 November 27 2012, 01:33:46 UTC
last I saw, she was standing in front of it, oh well, the school will give her a sandwich, but as they are doing swimming at the moment, she'll be starving!


jelazakazone November 27 2012, 01:35:02 UTC
Heh. My kids have yet to experience that.

They do swimming at school? I wish they would do swimming here.


alba17 November 27 2012, 03:01:51 UTC
Yay for quilting progress.

OK, I'm going to try this list-making thing. Not necessarily in chronological order.

* updated Weight Watchers tracking after not doing it since before T'giving. I'm still losing weight
* made vanilla pudding from scratch
* wrote my daily 750 journaling words (
* made two lunches for kids
* woke up said kids
* fed cats and dog
* let dog out
* returned guinea pig to DD's classroom
* did 45 min. on elliptical trainer at gym, stretched, then some weight machines
* did big grocery shopping at Trader Joe's
* put away groceries
* made lunch
* took dog to pick up DD at school
* helped DD with homework and reading
* took DS (is that right?) to orthodontist appointment
* "made" dinner - leftovers+salad, frozen pizza for kids
* wrote 400 words for mini_wrimo
* made appointment with plumber
* ordered an Xmas gift
* ordered kid's clothes from Land's End
* made DS practice cello

Now I'm going to go watch the fall finale of Revolution.


jelazakazone November 27 2012, 03:43:07 UTC
God damn woman. That is a lot to get done on a Monday. How did you do all that? What time do you get up? Also, did it make you feel better to make that list? It should. You are a rock star.

I lost at least an hour, probably two or three in front of the computer crying inside myself over the end of Merlin. What is wrong with me? It's just a tv show.

Also, go you for still losing weight. I'm starting to think I need to actually pony up and join WW.


alba17 November 27 2012, 04:18:03 UTC
Yes, it did make me feel better to make the list. I listed a lot of things I don't think of as "doing things." I guess they really are. I can add that while I was watching TV, I finished weaving in the ends on a scarf I'm knitting for DD. Now all I have to do is add fringe.

Um, I was weepy for weeks when they killed off Ianto in Torchwood, so I completely understand getting that upset about a TV show. That's what fandom does to you! *waves evil fingers* I'm sad about Merlin too, but my expectations of the show are extremely low in general and I didn't expect an S6 anyway. I'm fearful of the finale though. I'm preparing myself for the worst i.e. Arthur dying and no magic reveal.

I still have to write my camelot drabble tomorrow. I think I'm going to do an actual 100 word drabble. I don't even know what I'm going to write, although I have a very vague idea.


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