Getting stuff done

Nov 14, 2012 21:31

I have a finished draft of my merlin_holidays fic.  I finished the little quilts.  Done! I have posted pictures in the Quilts album on Picasa. Fronts and backs. I'm quite pleased with how they turned out.   I went to the post office (
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travel, quilting, merlin, update, fest, life, fic, nyc

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Comments 17

rocknvaughn November 15 2012, 02:46:11 UTC
Am so goddarned jealous of your phenomenal talent at quilting! Those are some beautiful quilts!

Saying nothing about spoilers (no need to ruin anyone else's day! *mwah*)


jelazakazone November 15 2012, 02:55:26 UTC
Aw, thanks! Everything quilty I've ever done is in that album. 11 years worth of time... Heh, well, some years have been more productive than others.

I'm staying away from the spoilers. :D


issy5209 November 15 2012, 02:51:11 UTC
You are certainly zooming through the day.
I saw that spoiler thing too, and I think I'll just put it out of my mind, also it could be something or nothing, and people will read all sorts into it!
I'm just about to do ironing, pick girls up from school, take them to dancing, come home, cook dinner (boring usual!)


jelazakazone November 15 2012, 02:56:43 UTC
Yeah, but I've hit a wall and don't want to get back up even though I still have a ton left to do. *cries in my beer*

I didn't see it and I'm not thinking about it. I don't want to know.

Wow, busy day for you too! I was doing pretty well until I got derailed by the friend asking to have his son picked up at daycare. The timing was less than optimal, let's just say, but we worked it out.


issy5209 November 15 2012, 03:06:53 UTC
Yeah, thursdays are always run-around busy!
doesn't help that I just spend 2 hours at hairdressers so I'm playing catch-up, but I want to sit down and do nothing!

don't go there ... my willpower for these things is pitiful!


jelazakazone November 15 2012, 03:11:10 UTC
Ah, Mondays are busy for me with a short day and then violin lessons for the kids. Wednesdays are just normal with a rush to get to dance and then eat dinner, etc. It's 10pm, no one has made any effort to get the kids in bed, so they are still up. Argh.


archaeologist_d November 15 2012, 03:00:05 UTC
Stay away from spoilers!

Your quilts are very pretty. You should be proud of them.


jelazakazone November 15 2012, 03:09:55 UTC
LOL. Yep, I've decided to stay away. I don't trust the spoilers anyway:D

Thank you so much! Oh, I'm bringing the little ones to NYC. I will definitely make an effort see you. I can bring them along, so you can see.


fleete November 15 2012, 03:12:30 UTC
I dunno how you feel about spoilers, but if I could go back in time and tell myself NOT to look at said spoiler, I would do that. :) I don't know if that helps.

Hooray for your amazing productivity!!!!!!


jelazakazone November 15 2012, 03:15:53 UTC
NOT LOOKING. Thanks for the affirmation:) ♥

God, I hit a wall, but I'm looking at your fic right now.


rocknvaughn November 15 2012, 03:19:08 UTC
*smoosh* (for no apparent reason)


jelazakazone November 15 2012, 03:19:48 UTC
*smooshes you back*


alba17 November 15 2012, 04:12:12 UTC
Congrats on finishing the draft and quilts!

Um, didn't know about the big spoiler. I don't mind small ones, but I don't want to see big ones (like the finale), so I'll try to avoid. Ah, NYC, I'm jealous. Have fun.


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