Getting stuff done

Nov 14, 2012 21:31

I have a finished draft of my merlin_holidays fic.  I finished the little quilts.  Done! I have posted pictures in the Quilts album on Picasa. Fronts and backs. I'm quite pleased with how they turned out.   I went to the post office (
jillbertini , your kampot peppers are winging their way to you!), the library, made a detour for friends' son, dropped children at dance and retrieved them, went to the grocery store, and maybe did something else.

I just have to pack now.  And fold laundry.  Going to NYC to hang and have a good time with my family.  Brother and little sister live there, parents are visiting.

I saw that there was a big spoiler let loose on the internet today.  Not sure whether to see what it's about or not.  If I look, then it's done.  If I don't, then I have, what, another six or seven weeks of trying to avoid it.  *sigh* ETA: AVOIDING IT

Ok, going to fold laundry.

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

travel, quilting, merlin, update, fest, life, fic, nyc

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