Well, crap

Sep 14, 2012 09:09

I seem to be having some dizziness today.  I refuse to call it vertigo, but ugh.  I'm not feeling up to par this morning.  I hope it disappears.  On that note, anyone want to talk to me about Meniere's Disease?  There is a possibility that this is what is going on.  Like, better than non-zero.  *goes to bury head in sand*

I have an Underworld fic to ( Read more... )

life, illness, update

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Comments 10

gealach_ros September 14 2012, 17:33:30 UTC
I don't know a thing about Menière's Disease, sorry. :(

I just hope you'll be feeling better and less dizzy, soon. *hugs*


jelazakazone September 14 2012, 17:38:34 UTC
Excellent! I'm glad to hear you don't know about it. Thanks, darling. I am maybe feeling a bit better. I'm hoping it's just allergies and that if I take it easy, it won't get worse. *crosses fingers*

I am doing ok. I was just kind of freaked out this morning that it might get worse. I'm managing to get stuff done though.

I appreciate the sympathy! ♥ ::hugs::


dunderklumpen September 14 2012, 18:41:08 UTC
I'm sorry to hear that. I really hope you'll feel better soon and it isn't something serious. *hugs*


jelazakazone September 14 2012, 18:42:16 UTC
Thanks. I have been taking it easy. I am hoping to take a nap in a bit, after the kids get home. I'm doing ok. It hasn't gotten worse, so that's the good news:D ::hugs::


k_nightfox September 14 2012, 23:02:38 UTC
Have they done tests to conclude that it's Ménière's? From what I understand it's a disease they diagnose by exclusion.


jelazakazone September 14 2012, 23:34:45 UTC
Right. It is a diagnosis of exclusion. I've done the MRI (it was clear). I had an audiologist do the movement thing. It wasn't that ear crystal problem. I've had two hearing tests and my hearing improved from the first to the second. The original thought was that it was a virus in the inner ear, but after the second test, the ear doctor thought that maybe, unofficially, it was Meniere's.

So, um, yeah. I have three of the four symptoms pretty clearly (hearing loss, stuffy feeling in ear, and vertigo). The ringing in the ears thing doesn't really happen. Or if it does, it's not limited to one ear.

I don't know. I'm feeling better than I was this morning, so I'm happy about that. I'm about to go dancing and am hoping my restful day has paid off.

Thanks for asking!


k_nightfox September 14 2012, 23:58:04 UTC
I hope you have a great time tonight!

Will cross all fingers & toes that it's just a lingering infection (I had one of those a few years ago, I presented with some diminished hearing and vertigo but it resolved itself after a few months) and not Ménière's.


jelazakazone September 15 2012, 00:02:05 UTC
Thanks! I plan to.

Yeah, unfortunately the stuffy ear thing started like two years ago and the vertigo was awful a year ago for a few months. Hearing seems to be continuing to diminish:(


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