Well, crap

Sep 14, 2012 09:09

I seem to be having some dizziness today.  I refuse to call it vertigo, but ugh.  I'm not feeling up to par this morning.  I hope it disappears.  On that note, anyone want to talk to me about Meniere's Disease?  There is a possibility that this is what is going on.  Like, better than non-zero.  *goes to bury head in sand*

I have an Underworld fic to revise, challah to bake, frozen yogurt to make, a kitchen to tidy, and laundry to fold.  I have six hours.  I should be able to manage it, right?

ETA: I edited that fic.  It still needs work.  *sigh*

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/595018.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

life, illness, update

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