What do you geek?

Aug 21, 2012 19:37

Have you seen the geek the library campaign?  Here is the geek wall.  It's awesome.  I want to know what you all are passionate about.  Here's my list.
  • books
  • quilting
  • dragons
  • fantasy/scifi
  • dancing

geeky, thinky thoughts, goals, ta da list

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Comments 8

cryingbaby August 22 2012, 12:15:35 UTC
I hardly ever comment or post anymore! My goal this fall would be to start up my blog again because I miss it. But that's been my goal for a while, I've just been too down to feel witty. My other goal is to find a job that meshes with my values.

And, um, I've slept with laundry before, rather than putting it away. heehee.. Glad the dance was fun! I saw a pic, it looked very cool!


jelazakazone August 22 2012, 17:51:53 UTC
Job that meshes with life FTW! I hope you find something that makes you happy.

We should get together after school starts. I want to see your new digs:D


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jelazakazone August 22 2012, 17:53:51 UTC
Well, I didn't really do any of their packing. I helped a little, but not much. I'm not sure if they have the right stuff or not, to be honest.

Not doing a quilt for KB. Not this year, anyway:D I think the deadline is the end of October. I'd like to get a bingo, but if I can just manage to do some different stuff off the card before the next one is released, that will please me.

Thanks! I've successfully handed my kids off to my parents and am now waiting for my return flight. Unfortunately, it's been delayed a couple hours. I have some time to kill at the airport. Fortunately, I have my laptop and wifi:)


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jelazakazone August 22 2012, 18:40:59 UTC
A week! They will have a great time. They've done this twice before without me (I think). I've somehow lost count. They have their things they are looking forward to and they were rather perfunctory about saying goodbye to me after lunch today:)

I'm looking forward to trying to get a bunch of stuff done this week! I am hoping to get two baby quilts done!


neyah444 August 23 2012, 00:45:44 UTC
I have a few goals too. I want to write a lot more, I'm hoping to finish A Hope For All in the fall and move on to write another multi-chapter that's bugging me for weeks now. I want to add at least 3 more chapters to my book and I have a lot of reading to catch up on.
Also I want to lose a little weight (about 10lbs).

And I want the City Park Afternoons community to go on, which would be great. Writing with RL friends realtime is so much fun and we have such a great time writing for 5-6 prompts per week.

Also I want to keep the Mindquests going on (mindquests, just like the city park challenges were originally meant only for the summer). Every week some of us thinks up a mystery to solve and we get clues. It's something like a role-play.

That's all I can think of right now:)


jelazakazone August 23 2012, 14:37:04 UTC
Woot! Good goals:) Sounds like an enriched life.


archaeologist_d August 23 2012, 12:19:15 UTC
I'm going on a lot of trips in the fall. But I'd like to write more. I've been away from it far too long.


jelazakazone August 23 2012, 14:37:39 UTC
I find it hard to travel and write. Be kind to yourself. You clearly have more stories to tell and they will come out when you have the time.


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