It's Monday

May 21, 2012 09:04

Ugh.  It's Monday.  I'm pmsing, it's raining, and I hate Mondays.  I have too much to do in the next 3 1/2 hours before getting kids.  Tomorrow is a quilting meeting (yay!), so time tomorrow will be short too.

So, on that note, I just want to say, YES! We can do it (whatever it is).

One goal I have for the week is to start rolling out Read more... )

monday, fandom, merlin, to do, goals, lists

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Comments 6

neyah444 May 21 2012, 13:33:31 UTC
I hate mondays too. I always have so many things to do on mondays and never get all of them done.

Your dragon quilt will look amazing, I'm sure everyone will like it.

If I can help with anything on merlinreference just tell me. I'd love to help.

And on another note, I saw you volunteering as a beta, but sunday is past sadly. :( I just didn't have the time for this on our holiday, but I wrote two pieces (1 is 150 words the other is 100 words) just to meet this weeks challenge. I'm not at all satisfied with them, and not even sure I'll post these. My heart's just not in this at the moment, I shouldn't have signed up. Sooo, I'd appreciate your help if you have the time, just to look at them and tell me what you think.

It's a good thing you can't kill me over the internet:D


jelazakazone May 21 2012, 13:41:55 UTC
Yes, agreed. I have less time to do stuff on Mondays than other days because the kids get out early and they have violin lessons. It really eats up my day.

Everyone doesn't need to love it. Just me:)

Ok. I will let you know. I don't know if I'll have time today, but I am going to try to put together a good draft of the finger post soon.

Share them in gdocs. I can look at them later this afternoon. They are short!

I didn't sign up this week. I wasn't even tempted!

No worries. If I can't do it, I can't do it! ♥


neyah444 May 21 2012, 13:56:03 UTC
I know that.:) I don't need t love it, but I do. I'd really love to learn how to do it. I don't know would I find the time for it, or how could I get fabrics cheap but I'll definitely look into it.

I shared the documents, at least I think so. I never used google documents before. :)

I didn't want to sign up, because to be honest this prompt didn't really sound that appealing (crown didn't either but it turned out really good). This time it didn't work out. Next time I'll resist the urge.


jelazakazone May 21 2012, 13:57:53 UTC
Thank you.

Yep. I've looked over Outcast. Meet me in the other one.

LOL. Resist the urge. What a silly idea! These are fine. Everything you write isn't going to sparkle. I think it's good to play with different ideas.


twilighthdfan May 22 2012, 16:12:07 UTC
Ugh, Mondays. They're the hardest day of the week. Hope you have a good day though :).

Ooh, are you making another dragon quilt? Can't wait to see it. It will look brilliant I'm sure ;).

try not to give in to pms induced urges to kill anyone
*hands over some virtual cookies and chocolate to help curb the urge* ;)


jelazakazone May 22 2012, 18:08:29 UTC
Oh, Mondays. They suck. Day went moderately well. I even managed to get some writing done, so woot!

Nope. Same dragon. This was just the design. I've got some new people on board and thought they might be interested. I suck at documenting things and had forgotten to talk about this. I really should do one post when the whole thing is done, but I'm not likely to.

*nom nom* I'm going to find some real chocolate in a bit. Thanks!


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