Ugh. It's Monday. I'm pmsing, it's raining, and I hate Mondays. I have too much to do in the next 3 1/2 hours before getting kids. Tomorrow is a quilting meeting (yay!), so time tomorrow will be short too.
So, on that note, I just want to say, YES! We can do it (whatever it is).
One goal I have for the week is to start rolling out
merlinreference entries. We have a few ideas for entries, but we need to polish them up before we can send them out into the world. Don't you want to come talk to us about them? *looks puppy dog eyes at all of you*
So, my list for today this week includes:
- fold three loads of laundry
- clean kitchen
- make an entry or two public in the comm
- look over a WIP for someone new
- write stuff. Lots of stuff. At least two stories.
- quilt dragon (and figure out what the hell is going on with the tension on the machine)
- touch up paint in the girls' room
- cook food
- try not to give in to pms induced urges to kill anyone
Achievable, right?
Oh, for anyone interested,
skuares designed the dragon and first she did a little sketch of the dragon we see on the cloaks and tabards (I think that's the right word) and then she sketched out the crop circle inspired dragon.
Here is a picture that shows both. The story is that I am doing this as a challenge for my quilt guild and the theme was food this year. I drew "bread" and I asked if I could do some free association. I was told I could, so I started thinking about wheat and crops and then I got to crop circles and I loved the pictures of crop circles. Then I thought it would be even more fun if the crop circle was in the shape of a dragon, but I knew I didn't have the skill to pull that off, so I asked if someone would draw me one and she volunteered. So, here I am with a Merlin inspired craft:)
This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.