A summation

Jan 01, 2009 21:29

I just want to record a little bit about last year.

The teeny summary would be that I barely survived the first half and the second half was actually pretty good.

A more fleshed out version would read something like this:
The fleshy version )

year in review

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Comments 5

aome January 2 2009, 03:05:56 UTC
I didn't remember your struggle with depression, but I did remember the fire. I hope you're able to meet your therapist soon - at least s/he is helping!

I need to work on acceptance more, too, I suspect. And, as always, patience.


jelazakazone January 2 2009, 03:09:48 UTC
Yeah. No one even noticed I was depressed. It was pretty depressing. LOL:P

I did meet with a therapist four times and while she wasn't the best fit, it was enormously helpful.

I think that with acceptance, patience will come. I hope so anyway:)


lillibet January 2 2009, 03:17:49 UTC
I think a lot of times, depression is insidious. It isn't a sudden change, but over time it just creeps up and affects everything you do. I remember the sense of "aha!" when I figured out that I was depressed--I'm glad you were able to identify it and hope you're able to get more help soon.

Best of luck with pursuing your goals in 2009!


jelazakazone January 2 2009, 03:18:52 UTC
Yep, that's pretty much it. It just crept up on me!



yix January 2 2009, 05:09:33 UTC
Thanks for the reminder about the connection between exercise and energy level. With my broken toe I've gotten out of the habit, but your post helped hit me on the head with a "duh" sound.

I'm glad you are ending the year better than you started it and I'm sending you good thoughts on the new year.


(The comment has been removed)

thomasyan January 2 2009, 18:35:17 UTC
Is wrestle a better word? Like struggle it implies effort, but perhaps there is a less a suggestion that losing looms as a possibility?


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