A summation

Jan 01, 2009 21:29

I just want to record a little bit about last year.

The teeny summary would be that I barely survived the first half and the second half was actually pretty good.

A more fleshed out version would read something like this:

I discovered somewhere around February that I was pretty depressed. Just figuring it out made me take steps to get out of that pit, but I haven't fully recovered from last year (meaning the academic year) yet.

In June, my neighbor's house burned down. The 86 year old woman was killed (smoke inhalation) and even though it's two weeks shy of the 7 month anniversary, they have still not even fully cleaned up the site. I have some lingering issues related to the fire (you betcha) and last year; I'm waiting for a callback from a therapist because I need some therapy baby. I need someone to paste on a new perspective. Soon.

In August I went to the Pacific Northwest and was able to reconnect with my husband. That was an excellent thing as we celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary in July.

In Sept, we went away for a whole weekend (a little more than 48 hours) and danced more than we slept. That was excellent.

In Sept I discovered that my shortness of breath I'd been having intermittently was not psychosomatic and it was probably asthma induced by allergies (god, I hate my body some times). I was run through a battery of tests, etc, and everything looked good. I'm on three allergy medications (I'd love to be able to get off then, but once I tried skipping the Singulair and I paid for it:P). At least I am breathing mostly normally now and I can exercise.

In October I started exercising (yoga once a week, walk 2X, dance once a week) and it made a huge impact within two weeks. I could feel a difference immediately. I have not really done anything for a couple weeks except dance and I'm feeling it. I notice how much more motivation and energy I have when I am out there exercising.

In Dec I took the girls down to FL to see my parents. It was a great trip, although a little more mellow than usual given the fact that my parents' next door neighbor died (after a two year battle with cancer:() three days before we came down and DD1 got a fever/upper respiratory thing half way through our trip.

Now I'm ready for the new year to begin. I didn't do a good job today, although I suppose I got a few things done.

I would like to spend more time with my children intentionally. I would like to do more sewing. I'm not making any resolutions, but one of my friend's linked to a site about resolutions and how words are more powerful. I'm going to try "acceptance" for a while and see what happens with that. I'm just so tired of fighting everything all the time.

And tomorrow is a bright new day. I have lots of plans. We'll see what happens.

year in review

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