Quick rundown of trip to NY

Jun 30, 2008 08:37

We did go see the new baby every day, but we also did a ton of other things. Here is the basic rundown:

  • Monday
    • took train up to NYC and arrived around 4:30.  Grabbed some chicken fingers for the girls and headed to my brother's.  I think we cooked something easy for dinner and went to the apartment where we stayed for the rest of the week
  • Tuesday
  • Read more... )

travel, nyc, trips

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Comments 1

celandineb June 30 2008, 14:17:09 UTC
Wow, sounds like a good although busy trip! Glad it all went well and you're all home safely.


jelazakazone June 30 2008, 21:59:53 UTC
Thanks! It was a busy trip and so much fun. We did a good job padding our memory banks:)


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jelazakazone June 30 2008, 22:00:33 UTC
Yes, it was a nice trip, all things considered. That woman was crazy.


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jelazakazone June 30 2008, 22:11:57 UTC
That was not mass transit. That was Amtrak. I think it's more like "the joys of crazy people":P


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