Yesterday, and the unemployment throwdown!

Sep 01, 2009 14:23

Er... okay, not really much of a throwdown.  More of a "Huh?!  But what if we do X instead?  She didn't know?  What if it's Y?  Didn't know that either.  What, exactly, DID she know?"  Thankfully, we have a friend who used to work at the unemployment office before our state switched from publicly-owned to privately-owned and she was--get this--LAID ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

anonymous September 2 2009, 07:25:00 UTC
good luck with the jobs!

I now work at the local dairy selling cigarettes/ chippies/ sweets/ bread/ milk/ newspapers. What you get with two degrees and a diploma! All I can say is its income and helps pay the bills.

At least our healthcare system is excellent and education isn't bad either and we do get some unemployment too when we haven't earned too much. We won't starve but things could be better :)

viv in nz


peppergrass September 2 2009, 10:20:50 UTC
We're in a tight spot, too. Hubby's business hasn't taken off like we'd hoped, despite a quite promising start. Today he starts a 3-month temp job. I found work in a bookstore for just barely over minimum wage and 28 hours a week if I'm lucky. No bennies. Our stupid expensive COBRA runs out at the end of this month, I think. Almost everything we got from selling our house is gone.

I really hope things get better for you guys. SOON. (hugs)


jedimomma September 2 2009, 11:59:40 UTC
Ugh. I'd hoped things had turned around for you guys. =( We can't possibly afford COBRA; it's over $1200 per month for us, and we can't have it only cover me & B so that the kids are covered by state aid. Foo.

Hugs for you guys, too.


peppergrass September 2 2009, 12:54:09 UTC
Yes, COBRA is about $1200/mo for us (more than our rent). It's really bitten into our savings, but I guess I should thank god we had (HAD) the money to pay it. (But don't ask how much I've had to pay for dental issues over the last year. Oy.) Dh is going to try to get us insurance with the Chamber of Commerce he joined. /crossing fingers


jedimomma September 2 2009, 14:45:27 UTC
We did just find out that B's eye plan was separate from health & dental, and only he was covered, so we can probably get him eye coverage for a reasonable cost (which, as you may recall from past events, is probably worth it).


out-of-touch davebear_in September 2 2009, 13:29:54 UTC
Wow. I had no idea. So sorry, you folks! Hope things get better.

The fact that under our system, one's ability to address one's health needs is completely dependent on one's employment seems very inhumane. In a more enlightened culture, it would be a given that each of us deserves better.


Re: out-of-touch jedimomma September 2 2009, 14:44:43 UTC
Yeah, but enlightenment is exactly what our culture does NOT currently have. *grumble*

BTW, Alex has been grousing to come see you guys (and we want to as well!). Do you have any free weekends coming up?


Re: out-of-touch davebear_in September 4 2009, 17:57:33 UTC
Do you have any free weekends coming up?

We do, but not for a few more weeks yet. I'll email you with details.


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