Yesterday, and the unemployment throwdown!

Sep 01, 2009 14:23

Er... okay, not really much of a throwdown.  More of a "Huh?!  But what if we do X instead?  She didn't know?  What if it's Y?  Didn't know that either.  What, exactly, DID she know?"  Thankfully, we have a friend who used to work at the unemployment office before our state switched from publicly-owned to privately-owned and she was--get this--LAID OFF FROM THE UNEMPLOYMENT OFFICE.  But she cares lots about us, and still has friends at the office, and was able to hook us up with someone who in fact DID know things, and who was able to convey them to us in an efficient and clear fashion.  Nifty.  Short story, yes, we will be getting unemployment, and no, our IRA will not f*sk with anything, no matter what we do with it (well, not much anyway).

We're both looking for jobs now.  That's okay.  There actually are some jobs out there that we qualify for, which is nice.  Now it's just a matter of getting one of them.  There's a really cherry position at R-H in admissions that we would love to have, that Brian is well-qualified and suited for, but we've not heard anything yet.  I'm looking at secretarial, and secretly kicking around applying for the cook position at a new steakhouse.  But that job would just be too indulgent--it wouldn't pay enough, and would doubtlessly be sucky hours that I'm not sure we could hack as a family.  I also need to get the kids onto the state insurance program, which is really really good.  That means that we have to be somewhat careful not to make too much money such that our kids get kicked back off of the state program (and we still can't afford out-of-pocket private insurance), unless one of us actually lands a job with benefits.  There's no way we can pay for insurance out of pocket, and in fact B & I are now officially uninsured and will likely remain so for the foreseeable future.  So I kinda, ya know, hope nothing happens to us or anything.  A medical situation can pretty much only resolve one of two ways for us right now:  (1) bankruptcy [and probably loosing the house] or (2) indentured servitude to the hospital for the remainder of our lives as we work off our debt.  Yup, our healthcare system is obviously the best in the world.
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