basic application

Mar 17, 2009 16:07

Name: Rachel
Age: 15
Location: Texas

[All About You]
The general basics~
Describe your basic outlook on life: What is meant to happen will happen.
What kind of style do you usually sport?: I usually try cuter styles. Lots of bright colors, if I can help it. I'm more inclined to shorts and skirts rather than jeans and the like, also.
What kind of people do you like to associate with?: Outgoing, funny people. I like interesting people to keep things fun. I dislike those seriously cocky people, but there are those that are only jokingly arrogant that are fun to be around.
What is something about you that you are proud of?: I've been told I'm a quick learner. ;D
What is a something about you that you are ashamed of?: There are quite a few things. xD;; I'm a big clutz; dramatic exits never seem to work out for me. I can dislike people on the spot. I actually dislike way too many people; probably why I have so few friends. I'm loud and tend to mess up with my speech. I do things without thinking, which never ends up well for me. And, uh. I'll just shut up right now.
What is your ultimate wish/dream/goal in life?: If you're talking about wishes, I wouldn't mind a certain jr. group debuting. xD I'm still only fifteen, so my dreams and goals are still very unrealistic. It'd be fun to move to Japan, become a star or a voice actress or smth. I'd like to stroll through Akihabara and shop in Harajuku, spend a whole day in a Johnny's store. ;D
Describe some quirks about your personality: I'm a bit self-centered and like having things go my way. My temper is not the best, and I'm very easily annoyed. ...I seem to just be pointing out my faults again. lol

[This or That?]
Try to only choose one option rather than say both~
Shy or Outgoing?: Shy with people I'm not close with (which is a lot of people~)
Hyper or Calm?: Hyper
Leader or Follower?: Follower
Smarts or Looks?: Looks
Blunt or Sugarcoater?: Sugarcoater
Arrogant or Modest?: Arrogant
Spotlight or Behind the scenes?: Behind the scenes would probably fit me more. Though, I'd be longing for the spotlight.
Touchy or Keep-to-self?: Keep-to-self
Sing or Dance?: Dance
Spacey or Attentive?: Spacey
Realist or Idealist?: Idealist
Stingy or Generous?: Stingy
Gentle or Sarcastic?: Sarcastic

[In your group, you would be...]
X all the options that apply :D
[] the mother hen
[x] the wacky dork
[] the tsukkomi
[x] the boke
[] the smart one
[] the hot one
[] the perfect one
[] the best performer
[] the silent type
[] the popular one
[] the leader
[x] the child
[] the organizer

[The Etcetera]
Last spurt!
What would be your theme song and why?: Idk, but maybe minna ga iru sekai wo hitotsu ni ai wo motto GIVE&TAKE shimashou. The song's really upbeat and idealistic and just so bubbly.
What kind of Johnny's group would you want your group to be?: The group would be a close knit one despite the clashing personalities. One that would actually hang out a lot during our private time. We'd be able to tease each other a lot while knowing which boundaries not to cross. Basically, we'd be genuine friends.
What would you be most interested in as a Johnny (concerts, dramas, varietys, etc.)?: Filming for PVs seems like it'd be a lot of fun. Fooling around on the sets, filming the making ofs, etc. ;D
How would you interact with fans at a concert/fan meeting?: I'd definitely have a huge smile on my face, and I'd shake hands with the fans, of course. If there was time for it, I'd probably try to make some small talk with them (or really just me talking a mile a minute, maybe throwing in a teasing comment about one of the other members).
Go ahead and post some pictures if you'd like: Here's one that I've used on another application.
Any last comments?: Peace. ;D ♥

[Your Votes]
Please post the last 3 applications you voted on- they must be current!
1 || 2 || 3

basic: masuda takahisa

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