no detour; a drive; two dreamers; sans distance.

Oct 11, 2010 01:45

Title: No Detour
Unit for Points: ABC-Z
Word Count: 100
Characters: Totsuka Shota, Kitayama Hiromitsu
Notes: Originally I wanted gagfic about how Tottsu gets sick easily and noms on raw ginger and stuff to ward off illness, but clearly that didn't happen. :x Actually, nothing happened. /lame

Pulling on his thick, fur-cuffed jacket, Totsuka picked up his umbrella but made no move. He stared at the rain outside for a moment too long.

"How are you getting home?" asked a voice by his shoulder over jangling keys.

Totsuka smiled without turning. "I'm going to walk, Hiromitsu."

"The whole way?" Kitayama chuckled. "It'd take all night and you'd have to catch a train just to get back here in time."

"Are you going to do something about your objection?" Totsuka asked, pleasantly unexpectant.

Kitayama laughed. "I dunno, invite me over and I might have a reason to detour…"

Title: A Drive
Unit for Points: ABC-Z
Word Count: 100
Characters: Totsuka Shota, Kitayama Hiromitsu

The roads were slick and wet, thick with the extra cars of parents ferrying their children where bicycles would ordinarily suffice, and salarymen saving too-expensive suits from the sky.

Kitayama's hand rested lightly on the wheel as the radio played something slow and foreign and the rain sluiced down. Totsuka's eyes were closed.

Kitayama hummed. "I love the rain. Means I don't have to wash my car."

"Mm~" Totsuka chuckled. "I love the rain, too… with a warm bath, a kotatsu, a movie..."

Kitayama sighed. "That's a nice daydream."

Totsuka gaze lifted with a smile like dark velvet. "Or suggestion."

Title: Two Dreamers
Unit for Points: ABC-Z
Word Count: 100
Characters: Totsuka Shota, Kitayama Hiromitsu

"My sister's sleeping over at her friend's," Totsuka explained of the empty house, "while our parents are away." His older brother, Kitayama knew, had moved out some years ago.

"Looks like we can take our time then," Kitayama smiled.

Totsuka laughed lightly, shrugging off his rain-spotted jacket. "As if you ever do anything but."

"I'm not that my-pace compared to some," Kitayama said, following suit.

"Uh-huh," Totsuka said. "Like Tama-chan? Yamapi?"

"I was thinking more like you actually."

"I'm plenty high-tension when I have to be," Totsuka said.

"But not now?" Kitayama supposed.

Totsuka smiled back. "No~ not right now."

Title: Sans Distance
Unit for Points: ABC-Z
Word Count: 100
Characters: Totsuka Shota, Kitayama Hiromitsu

The rain pattered down like a heartbeat outside, steady and soft, light thunder a distant rumble. Kitayama let his eyes drift closed with the warmth of the kotatsu and Totsuka's head on his chest, the familiarity of his hand resting curled against Totsuka's hair.

Totsuka was still awake, watching videos on his PSP. But Kitayama rarely saw him asleep, always first out and a later riser, so that was fine. Life was…

"Hey, Hiromitsu~?" Totsuka said softly.


"Nice weather, isn't it~"

Kitayama smiled at Totsuka's ever-weird way of saying things, amused. "Yeah," he agreed all the same. "It is."

challenge: rain, unit: a.b.c.-z, unit: kis-my-ft2

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