Holy fuck, we're late.
Welcome to the seventh year of
je_whiteday. I apologize for the delay of this post--due to the holidays and busy-ness in Japan (oh hey, Reen), your dear mods forgot to get stuff ready for this year's edition of Whiteday. D: Please forgive us.
Thankfully, Whiteday is such a well-oiled machine that we know exactly what we're expecting. But before the sign-up post, here's your FAQ! The yearly refresher course on what this exchange is about if you've forgotten. If you've never participated before, omg, WELCOME! We love new blood and we're so excited for you to join in on all the awesome het fic. Please be sure to read all the information below and if you have any questions, please feel free to leave them in the comments.
1. What is Het?
Oh em gee. What is this new fangled thing you call het in the JE (Johnny's Entertainment) fandom? If you're actually asking, you've totally been in this fandom for way too long. XDDD lol Het is short for heterosexuality. AKA boy/girl relations. AKA GIRLS AREN'T SCARY. (Okay, they kinda are. I mean, the saying isn't "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" for no reason.) So yes. Long explanation that wasn't really long, het just means a guy and a girl totally get it on (...in more than one way if you like XD).
2. Does that mean the fic has to be romance? And has to be strictly het?
No, not necessarily. Just as long as the male/female relationship (friendship or whatever) is a large part of the fic itself. It does not have to be a romantic relationship. As for strictly being het, I don't think we're extremely picky, but make sure that your recipient wouldn't mind the insertion of slash.
3. What's the schedule like this year?
December 0102-20 -- Sign-ups
January 01 -- Assignments will be sent via email.
March 01 -- FICS ARE DUE THIS DAY!!!!!!!
March 12-? -- Posting of fics (This always varies depending on how many people sign up. We usually go for 5 days though.)
March 21 -- Reveals
Times are all in EST because that's my time period and as Reen is half a day ahead of me, I'm pretty sure people would rather go with my time zone than hers. lol
Please make sure that you submit your fic on time. If we don't get any word from you within a day or two of the due date, we will start assigning pinch hitters. Also, we don't really like having to chase people down. D: Please keep us in the loop! We can definitely grant extensions if need be and we're really nice, so don't let us scare you off~
4. What are the requirements, if any?
- Please, please, please do your best in following your assignment. I don't mean to write something you have to force yourself to write, because that's not the point of this. But to at least pull something from your recipient's request that your recipient will not only like, but that you enjoyed writing. It's all about pleasing yourself and your recipient!
- Required minimum word count is 1000 words. There is no maximum so if your fic takes you to far off places, go with it! :D
- We would really like it if your fic has been beta-ed before it has been submitted. Beta-ed as in someone else read your fic and helped to correct any grammar mistakes, spellings, etc. (and that's the bare minimum, a beta can do much more). If you don't have someone who can do so, you could easily hit up your flist or ask one of the mods for help--we will be able to provide you with a beta.
- We'd really appreciate it if when you submit the fic, it'll have the necessary HTML-tags and a standard header already in the file. It should look like it's ready to go up at any second--Reen and I want to spend as less time as we need to actually prepping the fics and this'll be the easiest.
For a header, we figure the best will probably just be the standard.
**For summary, a one liner is more than okay. Or you could always take Reen and my way out and just pull a quote from your fic, lol.
- Do not forget to put in lj-cuts. We have to put these into a number of fics every year and it does take time--plus, we would go with the standard "just put the title here" for it. If you don't know how to, it's as simple as adding "< lj-cut text="" >" right before the start of your fic and under the header. Or just put "< lj-cut >" without adding any text! Either way works.
- You must submit your fic on March 1st. If you know ahead of time that you're not going to make it March 1st (but still will manage before posting starts) then please, please, please let us know. The later we find out, the harder it will be for us to assign pitch-hitters. If your fic is not in by 2nd (and you haven't yet contacted us for an extension), then we'll immediately start rustling up some pinch-hitters--if you manage to get it in, we will use yours, but just keep in mind, okay?
- I think this goes without saying really. But some people may not even think of it. Please don't tell your recipient that you're writing for them. That'll take the fun out of all the anon secrecy. So yes. keep your secret well even if you're SO TEMPTED AND THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT IT IN FRONT OF YOU. XDDD Reveals will go up sooner than you think, yo! :D If you have a question for your recipient, please email us and we'll then relay the question to them! Don't contact them directly.
5. Can anyone participate?
Yup!! We would love for as many people to participate as possible! The only people who are not allowed to participate are those that dropped out and neglected to inform us. D: Sorry but that's just how it goes.
6. Can I request anything?
This is a fic exchange, so basically. All fic requests, yes. Obviously, since we're a het!fic exchange, your requests are going to be centered around het pairings. And here's the big thing--we know that people have their standard het pairings that they almost always write. We get that, we're okay with that. However, we would really, really, really appreciate a lot of diversity. It'll be hard to match up people if you all write only one pairing in the "what you can write and what you want" sections. So please, keep this in mind when you're signing up. If you don't want to put fixed het pairings, it'll also work if you put down just the Japanese females that you could feasibly (or are interested to) write. As well as the JE boys that you can. It'll make things a lot easier on the mods and it'll help us assign people better.
Drama requests are allowed as well! So if you want/can write drama characters as well, do note those because well, I know I enjoy drama fic. XD (but i am biased and a mod so i should shut up. lol)
Also, we're requiring there not to be any JE/Original Character pairings. XD It would just be really weird for another person to write...whoever you're thinking of. So, yes, no original character requests. No matter how well you have the person mapped out in your head.
7. cn i rEqUeSt a ficces like DiS? X______X?
je_holiday FAQ (like most of this post) because I can't be as witty as Beth/Jemz are, so this is just pitch perfect.
No. I mean, I love the emoticon and the <3 as much as the next person, and feel free to use them in your request sparingly, but if you can't demonstrate that you understand the standard conventions of English grammar in your request, I'm going to deny it. I know I wouldn't like a fic written like a bad text message, and if you write your request as such, I'm going to assume that's what I would get. Capisce? Good. :D
If you have any questions that weren't addressed here, just drop a word in the comments or if you want to be very ~*~private~*~, just email us at jewhiteday@gmail.com. We will answer everything to our best ability.
Sign-up post will be up in a few minutes! *______________*