Seventh Year Sign-ups!

Dec 02, 2014 08:02

Sorry for being a day late!!!! Hope we didn't scare anyone!

Here are sign-ups for the seventh year of je_whiteday!!!!! Make sure that you read our FAQ first before you sign up. If you have a question that we've missed, feel free to let us know on that post. This one is solely for signing up for the exchange.

That done, copy and paste from our handy-dandy textbox and fill out all the information! Make sure to note whether you're slash-friendly or not, just in case. Also drama requests are allowed, just please put RP (real people) in your requests as well so there are more choices. :D As always, please have more than just one pairing in your writing/receiving request. We do follow up if we see that you don't. Save both parties the trouble, if you will.

LJ Name:
Fic Journal/Archive (optional):
Pairings/Groups/Females You'd Like to Write:
Pairings/Groups/Females You'd Like to Receive:
What would you like to see in your fic? (Situations/kinks/genres):
What would you NOT LIKE to see in your fic (Situations/kinks/genres):
Rating Preference in writing and receiving:
Could You Pinch Hit?:
Could You Beta Read?:
Anything else?:

Sign-ups are up until the December 20th, okay? So make sure to get in your form on time if you'd like to participate!

Please don't edit your comment! If you have to add extra information, comment under your own comment. That'll just make it easier for us to keep organized. :D And for those who do not wish to have their email free for everyone to see, let us know under the email section then please PM or email us (at your email. We'd much prefer not to have to PM anyone their assignment or anything of that sort.

We're a behind again this year (how is it already December, guys?!), and as such my lovely co-mod hasn't made our advertising graphics yet (she makes all the pretty--and funny--graphics; which is good because I cannot be trusted with that), so please be sure to advertise this to everyone you think will be interested! The more people that participate, the more pretty het there will be to be had! :D

**request post, **mod post, **year: 2015

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