
Jan 05, 2015 11:28

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!

Assignments were sent out on January 1st, so if you haven't received one, please let us know! We would really not like to find out way way way later that oh yeah, you never got your assignment in the first place. o.o Please either comment below or email us at if you haven't.

Also, as we reiterated in the email, make sure not to email your assignment if you have any questions! Email us and we can relay your questions to your recipient and return you their answer.

In more important news, it was officially decided that this is likely to be the last year of je_whiteday. This was a rather difficult decision, but unfortunately, as even one of your mods has grown out of fandom, and as evidenced by this year's number of sign-ups, there just isn't as much participation. Hopefully though, even with je_whiteday no longer around, everyone will still continue to embrace het in our fandom. ♥

With that, welcome to 2015 and hope you all have a great start of the year~

Cupid Johnny

**mod post, **year: 2015

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