JE Hottest Love Anniversary Event 2012!

Aug 01, 2012 19:25


EVENT 2012

Now Signing up!
Hello Family!

Our anniversary is upon us once again and we want to celebrate this great event with all of you. That’s why  je_hottestlove returns to bring entertainment and hotness with our favorite JE boys.

As usual, we will split the event into writers, artists and readers. As you know, we always encourage the participation of all community/fandom members, and this exchange is no exception.

So, with that in mind, let’s begin, shall we?

Writers' Exchange FAQ.

1. Submissions must be 1500 words in length, minimum. There is no maximum.
2. Fics must be beta-read. If absolutely necessary we can provide one, but let that be the last option (Please).
3. All fics must have Akanishi Jin, Yamashita Tomohisa, Ueda Tatsuya or Nishikido Ryo as main characters. The pairings rules are well known by this community so you already know which pairings are allowed, but in case you are new or you don’t remember, you can check our pairings rules here.
4. Rating must be pg13 and up.
5. All characters involved must be at least 18 if they are part of NC17 scenes.

What can I write about?

Anything you want, as long as it respects the assignments request you received and the rules of the exchange/community.

Are there any restrictions regarding pairings, drama characters, or non-JE members?

No. As long as your fic has Jin, Ueda, Ryo and Yamapi as main characters, you can also include characters from dramas and others JE or non-JE characters.

EDIT: Our allowed main pairings are Pin, RyoPi, Jinda, Ryoda, RyoJin and Pida. You can also add other Johnnys and make it a threesome or foursome, as long as it has at least two of our boys. For example, you can chose AkamePi, or AkameRyoPi. You can also add other fandoms characters, such as Matsumoto Jun, Shirota Yuu or Harry Potter, any character you want, again, only if there are at least two of our boys as main characters.

Is there something I can't request?

Underage pornography or any sexual content above rating of PG13 involving minors will be not be permissible. Non-con or extremely gory sexual practices are not allowed.

How specific can (or should) my request be?

Try not to be vague but be as specific as you can. We want you to be happy with what you get and that won’t happen if your writer don’t get a good idea of what you want .

How should I submit my fic when it is finished?

You leave us your e-mail and then we send you the assignment. From then on we communicate via e-mail.

Can I drop out at any time? Can I ask for extensions?

If you think you can’t make complete the exchange, we ask that you please let us know at least twenty days before posting Sep 23rd is the last day to let us know you are dropping out. That way, we have enough time to ask the “pintch hitters” if they can replace you.

Of course you can ask for extensions, but please, only if absolutely necessary. We want you and your recipient to have a nice experience.

Anything else?

As you might know, there are quite few exchanges nowadays in fandom, but how many of them focus on the pairings you like? This is a great opportunity to be part of an exchange for those of you who always wanted to participate in one and never had the chance to, either because you are new, shy, or inexperienced. je_hottestlove brings you this exchange because we care about little/new writers as well as established writers and we will be beyond happy to have you all.

Sign-ups open: August 1st
Sign-ups close: August 20th
Assignments sent out: August 21st
All fic due: October 7th (You have a month and half to write your fic, as so, plenty of time to ask for extensions or to drop the exchange, so please don’t leave us hanging until the last minute)
Posting begins: October 12th
Reveals: One week after posting ends.

When signing up as an author, copy and paste the info inside the box below: (You copy the info in the box and paste it as a comment under this entry, complete it and post comment)

LJ Name:
Fic LJ/Community/Index: (If you have)
Email - This may be written here or PMed to maintain privacy. (Send PM to me)
Are you willing to pinch-hit? *Pinch hit means if a person fails to go through with their assignment, then you're willing to take over that assignment.*
Are you willing to beta?

For the fic you will write:
Who do you prefer to write? At least 3 pairings are required. Also groups, pairings, individual characters, dramas, other fandoms, etc. The only requirement is to have at least 2 of our boys as main characters
Who do you REFUSE to write?
Kinks/Genres that you have no problem writing:
Kinks/Genres that you won't write:
Preferred rating:

For the fic you will receive:
Who do you want in your fic? - At least 3 pairings are required. Also groups, pairings, individual characters, dramas, other fandoms, etc. The only requirement is to have at least 2 of our boys as main characters
Who do you NOT WANT?
Preferred kinks/genres/situations you like to see in your fic:
Kinks/genres/situations you don't want to see in your fics:
Preferred rating:

Anything to add?

Artists' Contest FAQ.
As you know, every year we change our layout and header. Well, we would love a brand-new one for our anniversary and we invite you, the community, to help us create it!

There are some new things we want the new layout to include: We have noticed that there are several communities listing us as affiliates, which makes us very proud. so we want to return the favor and promote them here. We also want to improve our profile page with all the data and info needed for newcomers.
What should the header have?

We encourage adding pics manipulations with our four main characters: Jin, Ryo, Ueda and Yamapi. The rest is left to your imagination.

What should the layout look like? I´ve never made a layout before.

The layout can look however you like. If you have never made one, you can always suggest one from a layout artist you love. You will need to email us the proper links in that case. Later we will add headers, profile page, etc.

What should the profile page have?

After you sign up, we will email you all the info you need to include in the layout, but we would suggest that it have pictures of our boys.

Are gifs allowed instead of pics?

Sure they are!

Anything else?

je_hottestlove is always proud to welcome newbies as well as old artists to our community, so don’t worry about anything. We are welcoming and warm. There is nothing to be afraid of or shy about.

Sign-ups open: August 1st
Sign-ups close: August 20th
Assignments sent out: August 21st
All Art due: October 7th
Posting/voting begins: October 9th (Headers), October 10th (layout) and October 11th (profile page)
Reveals of Winners: Same time as the author reveals (Winner of first place will get to design je_hottestlove and winner of second place will design

When signing up as an artist, copy and paste the info inside the box below: (You copy the info in the box and paste it as a comment under this entry, complete it and post comment)

LJ Name:
Pic LJ/Community/art archive: (If you have)
Email - This may be written here or PMed to maintain privacy. (Send PM to me).
What are you applying for? Layout, headers, profile page or all of them?
Anything else?

Readers' FAQ.

I bet you are wondering what the community can possibly ask from you? Well, that's simple: we want you to be as much a part of this event as everybody else, meaning that we would love for you to comment and vote, and, if you are good at English, to sign up for as a beta reader in case we need one.

How do I comment on fics? I’ve never done that before.

Just remember that behind every entry is a human being, craving your opinion on something that took many hours and love to create, who only wants a little feedback. Also because we are talking about human beings, respect and politeness is required.

I’m not good at writing or creating art but can I be a beta reader?

Of course you can, the only requirement is being good at English grammar.

Anything else?

We encourage readers to actively participate in the exchange. There’s a general feeling in fandom regarding lack of comments and participation. We hope that with this annual event, silent readers will take the chance to help us celebrate our fandom and our anniversary.

Sign-ups of beta readers open: August 1st
Sign-ups close: August 15th
Assignments sent out: When needed.
All fic due: Before October 7th so the writer has the chance to check the fic before due date.
Reveals and thank you messages: With author reveals.

When signing up as a beta-reader, copy and paste the info inside the box below: (You copy the info in the box and paste it as a comment under this entry, complete it and post comment)

LJ Name:
You offer for beta job?
Email - This may be written here or PMed to maintain privacy. (Send PM to me)
Anything else?

Okay, folks, that’s all! If you have any questions, please leave them here and I'll answer asap! Please be sure to participate and make this annual event the best! Let’s spread some love!!

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Now Signing up!

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