Title: Bloody Mary Author: yamipandora Theme: #11 Urban Legends Band/Pairing: Miyavi and Maaya-tan, when Maaya was still in Myv's support band Notes: 300 word triple-drabble, because the Bloody Mary myth still scares the beejeezus out of me! I have never once in my entire 33 years been able to complete any of the chants in front of the mirror: Bloody
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Title: Memories Author: hyelle_narmo Theme: #7 - glasses Band/Pairing: The PSC Bands (Miyavi, Kra, Kagrra, Alice Nine, Gazette) Notes: 100 words. Um... yet another one of those random late-night inspirations (which means it's crack!).
Title: Backwards Falling Author: Aleilisth (dmnurtle) Theme: #5 trains Band/Pairing: Miyavi Notes: When I told her about this prompt, misao-duo commented that it would be super-cute to have an Oresama-inspired drabble. So here it is. ~ ( 100 words )
Title: What an interesting reflection Author: Aleilisth (dmnurtle) Theme: #4: Mirrors Band/Pairing: Miyavi Notes: This is a bit introspective and angsty for the typical Miyavi concept, but he does have his quieter moments. Also my first time posting here, hi :3 *anxious wobble* ~ ( Word count: 100 )
Title: Solitude Author: yamipandora Theme: #2 -- Take-out Band/Pairing: Miyavi Notes: Super-fast 5-minute drabble. Have you ever wondered what Jrockers are really like behind closed doors, when they can just sit and be themselves?
Title: California Dreamin' Author: hyelle_narmo Theme: Winter Band/Pairing: Miyavi Notes: Because Winter is not the same everywhere. ;) I'm not sure when Miyavi left California, and it may have been before this would've taken place, but hey
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