
Mar 16, 2008 15:06

Last day of Spring Break. So, tomorrow is back to school. Boo! Hiss! I should study for Arabic, where we'll have lines dictated to us. For Film I should read the chapters for the midterm and write up my paper on the movie, M...I think that was the last movie we watched.

I changed my header and added a new friends only banner, both made by the ( Read more... )

tv: smallville, tv: battlestar galactica, course: arabic i, 2008, tv: ugly betty, course: intro to film study, school, obsessive much?, lj, spring break

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Comments 4

arthoniel March 16 2008, 19:30:14 UTC
Ouch... that sucks with school starting again...

And wow, you're really going to love April 4. I'm not 100% sure of this, and Nickelodeon may decide to be stupid again, but I heard that Avatar comes back on the fourth as well. :)


jazmin22 March 16 2008, 19:32:55 UTC
Yeah...poop, I say to that.

Really? If that's true, April 4th will be awesome!


misformazing March 16 2008, 20:20:04 UTC
1. Love the icon
2. Love the header
3. Love the FO banner...

You picked well my friend : D BSG is going to be on a Friday?? Hmm I might check this season out.. I'm excited for some Kara/cylon action : )

Love ya!


jazmin22 March 16 2008, 20:52:12 UTC
Glad you approve! I love the Pluto icon too!

I am so happy it is back on Friday. It'll be on April 4th, around 3 weeks from now...I hope that if you check it out, you aren't too lost. I jumped in season 2 without season 1, personally. You might check here for some eps (quality is not top, but it should work even if some eps are missing) or at least read summaries somewhere.


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