(no subject)

Mar 16, 2008 15:06

Last day of Spring Break. So, tomorrow is back to school. Boo! Hiss! I should study for Arabic, where we'll have lines dictated to us. For Film I should read the chapters for the midterm and write up my paper on the movie, M...I think that was the last movie we watched.

I changed my header and added a new friends only banner, both made by the talented and generous

Guys, I am on such a Battlestar Galactica kick. My love for the show has reared it's head once again. Yesterday I downloaded and watched much of Season 2.0. I am so excited for this show to come back. 19 days left! And how happy am I that it is back on Friday night?! I mean Sunday was ok last season, and I would have watched regardless of the night, but still... I only just realized that April 4th was a Friday an hour ago.

On the TV front...I still have not caught up with Lost. I decided that I wanted to start watching Ugly Betty season 2. I don't know why I haven't been keeping up with it. Last season I had some trouble as it was on the same night and time as Smallville. But I stopped watching Smallville after last season, so why did I not tune into Ugly Betty? Hmm... Anyways, I just finished 2.01 and ready to see 2.02.


tv: smallville, tv: battlestar galactica, course: arabic i, 2008, tv: ugly betty, course: intro to film study, school, obsessive much?, lj, spring break

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