Mar 16, 2008 23:22

So while I wait for this episode of Ugly Betty to finish dl'ing, I am watching all the different Battlestar Galactica promos on Youtube and checking my friends list...And I stumble across this vid on Youtube just as I see it on my friends page.

It's a promo for two BSG specials that will air on Sci Fi Channel on March 28th. Ok, I sort of love these kind of specials because they get me even more hyped up for the return of the show. They both look great, but the second one looks awesome!

image Click to view

1. JOSS! Is going to be on there, talking and praising BSG. YAY!

2. Was...was that...Is that BRAD PAISLEY talking about BSG?! Wearing a BSG shirt?! Being a BSG fan?!

<.< ... >.> ... \o/


Seriously, you guys. Joss Whedon AND Brad Paisley in a special about how BSG is FRAKKING AMAZING? I may die. YES.

Ok, back to Ugly Betty (up to 2.04).

...I told you I was getting back into my BSG obsessiveness...

EDIT: First, I notice that Joel Hale from The Soup is there at the end. I love The Soup on E!. After a little google-fu I read that Scott Ian from Anthrax and Seth Green will also be on talking about BSG. And meshel73 on battlestar_blog informed me that Brad Paisley is actually really good friends with Aaron Douglas (Chief Galen Tyrol)...whom I LOVE.

EDIT 2: Is it 'fraking' or 'frakking'? I feel like I never put in the right number of K's...

ftw!, tv: battlestar galactica, tv: ugly betty, tv, yay!, dl, obsessive much?, joss is boss, youtube

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