meme time

Feb 20, 2008 10:46

1. Leave me a casual comment of no particular significance, like a lyric to your current favorite song, your favorite kind of sandwich, or maybe your favorite game. Any remark, meaningless or not.
2. I will respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.
3. Update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. Include ( Read more... )

shippiness, music, vacation, pairing: sam/river, tv: supernatural, tv: firefly, i heart good crossovers, tv: tin man, otp, fic, pairing: mal/river, meme, recs, jazz, friends, joss is boss, dreams

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Comments 4

bowtrunckle February 20 2008, 17:31:20 UTC
*sits down* This looks like a really interesting (and fun) meme. Throw your questions at me! :)


fringelement February 20 2008, 18:33:57 UTC
I'm really craving some good seasoned and baked potatos right now.

So ask me things!


styromgalleries February 20 2008, 23:33:33 UTC
I had a fever of over 101 degrees for almost 12 hours yesterday. It may take me a while to answer the questions.


weissman February 22 2008, 00:45:28 UTC
Umm! I like chicken salad with onion.



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