meme time

Feb 20, 2008 10:46

1. Leave me a casual comment of no particular significance, like a lyric to your current favorite song, your favorite kind of sandwich, or maybe your favorite game. Any remark, meaningless or not.
2. I will respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.
3. Update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. Include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in your own post.
5. When others respond with a desultory comment, you will ask them five questions.

Got these almost a week ago from autumn_whispers...

1. What is one thing you would have changed about the Tin Man Series and why?
2. Why Sam/River?
3. Name one unpopular Firefly opinion you have.
4. Favorite band/singer you're embarrassed to admit you like.
5. What's your dream vacation?

...Answers behind the cut...

1. What is one thing you would have changed about the Tin Man Series and why?

I would definitely have shaved a bit off of scenes here and there so that we could have had a proper ending that didn't feel so rushed and cliche with the dumb group hug thing they did. I get that the ending leaves the possibility for a sequel, but give us some closure, answer just a few questions...

2. Why Sam/River?

Good. question. First I should say that the Supernatural and Firefly 'verses mesh surprisingly well, so that really helps with making the pairing work. In general, I admire the creativity needed to put together crossovers and I am a sucker for the rare pairings and tiny ships. Ah...I don't know what made me think of the pairing in the first place, but somehow I stumbled on the fic It Must Be Tuesday by xphoenixrising, a fantastic story for any Supernatural fan regardless if they've watched Firefly and Serenity, though it has a fair bit of Jossverse, written a while ago (How awesome is that title now, with 3x11-Mystery Spot?). I think I love Sam/River because of the idea of troubled and lost  psychics bonding over things that most other people, even their closest family and friends, could never understand and being their for each other. I think that if I hadn't seen written the way I have, I wouldn't like the pairing so much. The authors that I read have really been able to capture Sam and River and interactions between the characters that they come up with are so believable. ...On the completely shallow hand, they are two very pretty people, and I kind of like Sam being this gigantor towering over little ballerina River. Also, they would kick so much ass it's not even funny. [notes: see previous pimp!post for darkmagic-luvr's Sam/River fic series]

3. Name one unpopular Firefly opinion you have.

Huh. I really don't like Inara...? I hate her with the passion of a thousand fiery suns. In the episodes and the movie. Especially in the movie. Mostly I think she treats Mal like crap and I much prefer him with River. I can safely say that the only times I can really like Inara is in the occasional fic. Actually, I kind of love her in the Sam/River fic series by darkmagic-luvr, because: a) She doesn't have too much screen time with Mal. b) I don't mind the Mal/Inara possibility because she is supportive of Sam/River, and my love for Sam/River trumps my love for Mal/River...which I did not realize till I typed that out.

4. Favorite band/singer you're embarrassed to admit you like.

This I needed to think about...I'm not usually embarrassed to  share my musical preferences, but I think I'll go with ABBA. I am always very defensive about liking them and I'm always thinking, "People are going to laugh if they know I know all the words..."

5. What's your dream vacation?

The specific places change all the time, I can't seem to make up my mind or stick with a certain plan, but I would like a nice long vacation, traveling the world.  I want to get out of my little town. I want to really experience the places I would be going to instead of the usual touristy things. I would want to be with good, happy people who I could have fun with. I definitely would want to be able to take my time and not rush through a packed schedule...Boring. :P

shippiness, music, vacation, pairing: sam/river, tv: supernatural, tv: firefly, i heart good crossovers, tv: tin man, otp, fic, pairing: mal/river, meme, recs, jazz, friends, joss is boss, dreams

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