can has cliche tiems nao? ok? bite me! XP *is SO BORED*

Feb 10, 2008 00:31

I always feel like that no one tells me anything. Then since I am not in the know, when I do find out about fun stuff and get excited, I look dumb. Like this stuff came out a few days ago and I am just now hearing about it...

Ok, here is a promising little article about the Twilight movie and the potential for a full series of movies in the future ( Read more... )

yay!, facebook, bookseries: twilight, friends, booksmovies: twilight saga, borders

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Comments 10

main_titles February 10 2008, 07:48:50 UTC
The only fantasy movie adaptation I found to be truly horrible was Eragon. That was hilariously bad.

I just hope the movie has the same "feel" as the book. Know what I mean?


jazmin22 February 10 2008, 15:10:48 UTC
:) Teehee, I have heard that from a lot of people...

I do know what you mean by having the same "feel" as the book. I also think if the movie sticks too close to the book, basically copying very word, it might be worse than changing it a little because it can lose some of pacing and smoothness as it gets chlunky (a real word?).


bagelwhore February 10 2008, 21:27:19 UTC
i cant see that guy as James :(
i guess i was so set for Cillian Murphy, lol
but yeah, he is such a pretty boy that its hard to see him as intimidating
hopefully his acting will convince me
his acting...and the lighting ^.^


jazmin22 February 10 2008, 23:50:35 UTC
I think that he will e good as James after watching him on The O.C.


*Squeeeeee!!!!!* misformazing February 10 2008, 23:51:30 UTC
OMG!!!!!!!!! Im so freaking excited! And right now I'm on the phone with youuuu : )))

I wish we went to Borders today... but there's always next week my love!!

Comment with those links!!! : D


Re: *Squeeeeee!!!!!* jazmin22 February 11 2008, 00:06:22 UTC

First, here are some Covenant icons by a friend, greasers. ICONS at her graphics journal (you might want to look around at her other posts).

A bunch of videos from the Supernatural Chicago CreationCon HERE. And a video of the breakfast at the same con HERE.


misformazing February 10 2008, 23:55:32 UTC
The one movie adaptation I was really disappointed with with Blood & Chocolate... it was a great movie.. dont get me wrong... but they changed the ENTIRE story.. I mean everything... except for the names...


now im going to go sulk bc im thinking about it again... *whimper*


jazmin22 February 11 2008, 00:58:25 UTC
Hee, well, I did like the movie Blood and Chocolate when I went with you, but I haven't read the book so I'll take your word on it.



arthoniel February 11 2008, 03:18:22 UTC
I haven't actually read Twilight yet, so I don't know about that, but it sounds awesome.

And it soo annoys me too when people talk about movie adaptations in terms of what they left out. Being disappointed that someone left out a favorite scene of yours is one thing, but the movie isn't ruined because the writers didn't follow the book exactly.


jazmin22 February 12 2008, 00:11:54 UTC
I agree (obviously.) and sometimes I even think it's better that somethings be left out movie versions. Either because the tech isn't right to pull it off or because while it reads well of the page, it doesn't translate well in the 2-3 hour movie.


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