can has cliche tiems nao? ok? bite me! XP *is SO BORED*

Feb 10, 2008 00:31

I always feel like that no one tells me anything. Then since I am not in the know, when I do find out about fun stuff and get excited, I look dumb. Like this stuff came out a few days ago and I am just now hearing about it...

Ok, here is a promising little article about the Twilight movie and the potential for a full series of movies in the future at MTV Movie Blogs: Kristen Stewart Wants A "Twilight" Series That Sucks...In All The Right Ways.

Aside from the title, which is eye-rollingly cliché and has silly innuendo when read a second time, this article made me smile a lot (and ok, I may have snickered a little at the title's silliness). The whole thing about Robert Pattinson as Edward makes me so happy and excited. I, like others, hope that they don't butcher it but I get that it's -to quote a comment on the article- a movie based on the book, not a movie about the book. Things will be changed and cut out, it is an inevitability.  It annoys me to no end when people talk about movie adaptations only in negative terms of what was taken out or changed. I just want to shake them and say, "Find yourself a dictionary and look up the word 'adaptation'!" I've accepted that what's on the screen will not be the book verbatim, I don't understand how I couldn't being a fan of the Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Narnia movie adaptations among others.

Next, this update at

Basically? Breaking Dawn will bought by a lot of females and a good number(?) of males (I know boys read the book cause I saw them talking about it in the Visual Bookshelf app on the myFace Facebook *nodnod*), many of which  will then go into monk-like isolation for X number of hours to read it on August 2, 2008.

...<.< ... >.> ...

I know I will.

Hmm. I wonder if they will have some kind of thing at the local Borders. I, then, wonder if Meghan and
sylvanelfqueen would be up for it. Like some sort of midnight release party. I've always wanted to go to one of those, and Erica and Meghan are really the only people I would want to go with because they are awesome and fangirly and geeky like me. And I'm pretty sure I am not assuming too much in thinking they won't be offended by how I just described

Pre-order at Amazon is already up.

Also, TwilightLexicon has been announcing some casting news. So far I am seeing names for 'Eric', 'Jessica', and 'James' with links to IMDb, various articles (including one at MTV), and myspace as appropriate. Excuse me while I commence in MAJOR FLAIL! Seriously, 'Jessica' looks perfect, 'Eric' is a cutie, and 'James'... !!! [He was on The O.C., yes?] Well, personally 'James'=HURHURHUURRR, y/y?  APPROVED.

yay!, facebook, bookseries: twilight, friends, booksmovies: twilight saga, borders

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