Rainy days are love.

Feb 05, 2008 13:20

So I am here at home. Yep.

Usually I don't come home after Chemistry, I just stay at the commuter's lounge until Philosophy. But I had to come pick up my paper (finished and printed our in record time earlier this morning) and stuff for Film. I forgot I had a study group for Chemistry at 3, which means I'd have no time before Film to get my stuff. ( Read more... )

study group, fic, course: intro to philosophy, tv: supernatural, i heart tim gunn, school, course: intro to film study, course: chemistry m&l

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Comments 14

hidden_easel February 5 2008, 19:12:05 UTC
I would totally suggest a fic if I didn't read like over 20 a day...
There was actually this amazing fic that crossed over SPN and Greek mythology and was amazing. I think it was kind of wincesty but it was an unknown brother kind of way. I can find it if you want.


jazmin22 February 6 2008, 00:08:45 UTC
Greek mythology wins out over my lukewarm thoughts on Wincest. Please do find it and share!


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Re: I got recs! jazmin22 February 6 2008, 00:10:30 UTC
Damn. This will keep me busy. *rubs hands together deviously* Thank you.


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jazmin22 February 6 2008, 00:12:32 UTC
I've been with SPN since very near the actually beginning, and I have been aware of the fic and read some here and there, but now I have a craving for it.

No worries, though if you do find it share please...


fringelement February 5 2008, 22:05:22 UTC
hoo boy. basically everything labeled SPN in my 'recs' memories is worth a read (or three), but I'll try and did out some specifics:

A Matter of Principle. Good OC and bonus wee!chesters.
They Put Me In A Cage Full Of Lions. wee!chesters, interesting take on Dean.
Tell Me a Secret. Stanford and teen!chesters.
When I Hear That Whistle Blowing. wee!chesters.
Déjà Vu. Homicide: Life on the Streets crossover. wee!chesters.
All your zombies. um. zombies. :D
The Ghost In You. Futurefic.
Some Sounds You'll Sleep Through. Stanford.
Like a wheel. The Impala loves her boys.
Out Of a Gunnysack. Stanford, hunting.
Her Tracks Are On The Land. Interesting OC.
Killing Time In Detention. wee!chesters.

there's plenty more where they came from, but I'm freakin hungry and too lazy to list them.

crack_impala has some of the best recs I've come across, in general.


jazmin22 February 6 2008, 00:15:08 UTC
Thank you! This list looks great. Now go eat and commence in lazing about.


darkmagic_luvr February 6 2008, 00:44:19 UTC
I have a comm for my supernatural AU (with OC's, but I try not and make them Mary-Sueish or i'd gag)

pendulum_fic if you're interested.


jazmin22 February 6 2008, 00:52:18 UTC
Oh I definitely will!

Also I have a question, your most recent SPN/FF crossover "Bizu" and the two before it, are they same universe as "A Shadow at the End of the Hallway"? Or this a new, unrelated series?


darkmagic_luvr February 6 2008, 01:05:16 UTC
yes. It's the same universe.


jazmin22 February 6 2008, 01:09:48 UTC
Cool, I was curious.

I am working through them I swear. I have 2 chaps left for "A Shadow..." and then the lastest ones I just asked about.


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