Rainy days are love.

Feb 05, 2008 13:20

So I am here at home. Yep.

Usually I don't come home after Chemistry, I just stay at the commuter's lounge until Philosophy. But I had to come pick up my paper (finished and printed our in record time earlier this morning) and stuff for Film. I forgot I had a study group for Chemistry at 3, which means I'd have no time before Film to get my stuff. So I decided to just hang out at home for a bit before Philosophy and get my stuff now.

Stilling rain here. It's gray and cooler and lovely! *is still weird*

I am reading Supernatural fic at the moment. Usually I don't read SPN fic, unless it is a cool crossover or wee!chesters, and even then...but I've started to get more into the fic for this fandom. Still, I am personally finding it a but hard dodging bad OCs and Wincest (which I for the most part avoid, though I have read one or two of the tamer(?) ones. Nothing against it, just not my favorite flavor). Probably because I don't know where to look. Anywho, I have been liking some crossovers -as mentioned before-, AUs, and pre-series Sam-at-Stanford era. Some gen, some het; Jessica and NOT!mind-numbing OCs. Eh...no Wincest at the moment. So if you know any,I'd happily welcome some recs.

ETA: I realize something replying to a comment I got to this post. Don't not rec something that you found to be amazing because it has Wincest as long as it is not just all about the Wincest and has some other element (mentioned above, like it also a crossover, or also pre-series). My love for crossovers/AU/SIMPLY A GOOD STORY/etc. will overshadow my lukewarm feeling for Wincest. *imitates the most awesome person ever, Tim Gunn* Carry on.

study group, fic, course: intro to philosophy, tv: supernatural, i heart tim gunn, school, course: intro to film study, course: chemistry m&l

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