
Dec 14, 2007 20:37

1. So it snowed about 4 inches yesterday. Today it was sunny, but tomorrow it will start snowing in the evening again. I think it is supposed to go into Sunday, which means I probably should remind the 'rents to go shopping tomorrow before it starts.

2. Tomorrow I am going to ericadragon's
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marathons, snow, friends, tv: supernatural, random, weather, youtube

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Comments 3

sylvanelfqueen December 15 2007, 02:07:11 UTC
*evil death glare directed at the stone hearted squash-head*


arthoniel December 15 2007, 03:02:23 UTC
Wow... that (the video) is totally random, but it's really funny!! I'm so loving how they have a 90 second handshake just to say that nothing's really new with either of them... :D


bagelwhore December 15 2007, 03:19:08 UTC
it was little hard to picture Kristen as Bella at first
but then she grew on me
i have always loved her
she was my Tally
but then Stephenie made her Bella
which is fine with me
maybe Ellen Page can be my new Tally? ^.^


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