
Dec 14, 2007 20:37

1. So it snowed about 4 inches yesterday. Today it was sunny, but tomorrow it will start snowing in the evening again. I think it is supposed to go into Sunday, which means I probably should remind the 'rents to go shopping tomorrow before it starts.

2. Tomorrow I am going to ericadragon's
sylvanelfqueen's house and we are going to watch the last of the SPN episodes from season 2. And switch Christmas presents. And EAT. Great times lie ahead, my friends.

3. I picked up Twilight and tried reading it picturing the Bella and Edward as cast in the film. I actually didn't have hard time with Robert Pattinson (as I expected I might), but it was a bit difficult with Kirsten Stewart. Probably because I have never seen her in anything.

4. I didn't watch the lastest SPN, but I am downloading it now.

5. I need a new moodtheme. Maybe an animated one? And what fandom? *starts to look around*

6. I had other stuff to say, but I forgot. Random, short, funny video:

image Click to view

marathons, snow, friends, tv: supernatural, random, weather, youtube

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