I has a question. Anzer plz.

Sep 10, 2007 21:04

Yes, I know I just posted about Twilight/New Moon  yesterday...but there isn't a lot else to talk about and I am so bored! More Academic Reading From Hell TM= DO NOT WANT.

I have a question about Bella from the book series Twilight...some of my facts/thought might not be accurate as I lent Twilight out (actually it was more like I threw it at sylvanelfqueen and ( Read more... )

bookseries: twilight, do not want, books, spoilers, academic reading from hell [tm]

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Comments 3

sylvanelfqueen September 11 2007, 03:26:58 UTC
*snickers* Yeah, and I still have the bruise from where it hit me! *lol* Just kidding, dear.

Just wanted to pop in and let you know I love it!


jazmin22 September 11 2007, 04:31:21 UTC
Would you like some ointment? Or perhaps some ice to bring the swelling down? Really, you whine to much, it's not like I threw a hardcover at you. >;P

I knew you would. Everyone does. You really never were going not love it. Not a chance.


(The comment has been removed)

jazmin22 September 11 2007, 04:28:34 UTC
Execellent job of answering and giving enough info with out really giving any spoilers. 10 points! :P Thank you!


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