I has a question. Anzer plz.

Sep 10, 2007 21:04

Yes, I know I just posted about Twilight/New Moon  yesterday...but there isn't a lot else to talk about and I am so bored! More Academic Reading From Hell TM= DO NOT WANT.

I have a question about Bella from the book series Twilight...some of my facts/thought might not be accurate as I lent Twilight out (actually it was more like I threw it at sylvanelfqueen and said, "READ IT!") and only have New Moon. It has just been bugging me. And it also has to do with a little semi-theory about Bella that's been on mind.

So we know that Bella is immune to Edward's and Aro's various forms of telepathy and Jane's pain-thing...but wasn't she effected by Jasper's mood-control (in Twilight)? Or am I remembering wrong? And if I am remembering right, how come she isn't immune to that? Do we find out in Eclipse?  (You can say yes/no and tell me about if 'yes', I don't mind being spoiled for this, just don't start giving away he whole plot.)

bookseries: twilight, do not want, books, spoilers, academic reading from hell [tm]

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