TV = Life

Sep 10, 2007 22:48

Fall '07 TV Schedule [Tentative] - With a table (!) and day-by-day analysis...Because I was just that bored.

:30 - Aliens in America (CW)

Pushing Daisies (ABC)
Smallville (CW) //
Ugly Betty (ABC)
Avatar: The Last Airbender BABY! (NICK)
Heroes (NBC)

Bionic Woman (NBC)

Supernatural (CW)
Friday Night Lights (NBC)

Stargate: Atlantis (SciFi)

On Mondays, the lack of Prison Break, and so on:  I can’t watch Prison Break on a week-to-week basis anymore, really. At first it was the way too intense cliff-hangers, but now I’m just not that interested. I also I hate FOX, so there might be something about not watching on principle influencing this. Maybe I’ll wait and catch the marathons on FX. Also, Heroes is back, YAY! Aliens in America could be iffy, but it looks funny and I want to see if they can pull it off.
On Tuesdays and life outside of TV: You might note that Tuesdays are pretty empty. I don’t Eureka religiously/constantly. House…lost me last season. I watch it when it reruns late at night on USA. Tuesday and the weekends (but not Friday) are my rest days. I mean Tuesdays are the worst day of the week class-schedule wise, I wouldn’t have the energy to watch anything.
On Wednesdays and new stuff: Lost doesn’t come back until Spring ’08. Pushing Daisies and Bionic Woman are new and I really hope they do well…
On Thursdays and conflict. Conflict. CONFLICT!:  Thursday is such a crap day. I have a lab on Thursdays from 6 to 9. I think that I’ll just be able to make it home for Supernatural. Thank God for small favors. But I think I am going to be missing a lot of Smallville and Ugly Betty, two shows that already conflict with each other, let alone Mechanisms of Disease. Which means downloading/recording. Which means dealing with the process of downloading and recording. Recording can be a hassle, but I can mostly deal with that. I especially hate dl’ing anything. I wish I could just snap and *poof!* It’s there and ready to be watched. But that’s not real life…Like I said, crap.
On Fridays, Lights exclusive to them, and then some:  Friday Night Lights. *confused smile* Where do I begin? I haven’t actually watched the show. Yeah. I don’t know the first thing about football. Sports? Eugh. The other day I read a really good one-shot, for what, I am sure (knowing my luck), is an unconventional pairing. And I have scrolled through a random, though lovely picspam or two by
koalathebear. *shrugs* The Season 1 boxset is $20 at Walmart/Amazon and I have got until October 5 to catch up. Better try to do it now, rather than midseason or later... Also on Friday - Stargate: Atlantis, I am hopeful, but let’s see how long before I get bored, angry, or pushed away by TPTB. And Avatar: The Last Airbender Is Back BABY! Book 3: Fire! It’s going to be SIZZLIN’ HOT! *is shot* I apologize. That was horrible. I am just so excited!
As you can see, I don’t like plain old dramas/action/suspense/mystery/anything. All of my shows, with the exceptions of Ugly Betty and Aliens in America (comedies that *hopefully* break stereotypes), and Friday Night Lights (??? -There’s always one...*shakes head* I just don’t know, see above) have some kind of sci-fi/paranormal element. It doesn't help that I have been looking into ways of acquiring the first season of Roswell. Damn you, SciFi Channel Daytime Marathons! A curse on both your houses. That is the last thing I need.
Also, did y’all now that the next Survivor is going to be in China? *ponders*I don’t watch Survivor, but I thought it was interesting. Not that I watch all that much Reality TV anyways, most of it is crap, and worse, repetitive.

tv: stargate atlantis, fic, tv: smallville, tv: roswell, tv: ugly betty, tv: supernatural, tv, unconventional pairings, friends, obsessive much?

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