Flyby Randomness

Jun 01, 2007 00:10

- There is an absolutely lovely thunderstorm going on outside. The lightning is especially pretty tonight, and we really need the rain. I don't think there was drought, but the flowers and plants here were miserable. And it was hot as hell earlier today. Now it is very comfortable with a nice, cool breeze...

-I was listening to Savage Garden - Shut ( Read more... )

fanmix, insta-rec, recs, storms, weather

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Comments 8

sylvanelfqueen June 1 2007, 12:38:53 UTC
*lol* I saw that icon before and thought it was the cutest thing in the world! Jack the Monkey Love!

And I'm gonna have to go read it now. Thanks!


jazmin22 June 1 2007, 15:18:05 UTC
I coldn't decide on any other charaacters and Jack the Monkey is always love!


bagelwhore June 1 2007, 13:57:42 UTC
first off: i love your randomness, lol
second off: the icon = <3
and third: i just downloaded the fanmix XD
my fav song is the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny ^0^
thanks for letting me know about it ^-^


jazmin22 June 1 2007, 15:20:31 UTC
Sometimes I love my randomness too!

My favorite song is...well, I like the Pirates song and the Queen stuff the most. You're welcome.


hikari_cyhan June 1 2007, 13:59:14 UTC
Hahahaha, one of my friends just linked me here. xD

I'm so downloading that FST!


jazmin22 June 1 2007, 15:26:26 UTC

*sheepish* Sorry I haven't reviewed your fic yet, even though I've read like four times. I promise I'll go back and do it now...


hikari_cyhan June 1 2007, 15:28:49 UTC
Psh, SURE.

=333 Mind if I friend you?


jazmin22 June 1 2007, 15:36:53 UTC
Of course! :D


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