Flyby Randomness

Jun 01, 2007 00:10

- There is an absolutely lovely thunderstorm going on outside. The lightning is especially pretty tonight, and we really need the rain. I don't think there was drought, but the flowers and plants here were miserable. And it was hot as hell earlier today. Now it is very comfortable with a nice, cool breeze...

-I was listening to Savage Garden - Shut Up, it was on a fanmix...A Nathan/Peter fanmix. ^_^;;; Whatev. - And I was completely remind of POTC:AWE. The song "The Best Thing" has the following lyrics: Fear, will, peace of mind / Kiss goodbye to reason / UP IS DOWN / The impossible occurs each day. I was like "WTF? Rewind!"

-Insta-Rec: FIC - Ten Year Century by 
hikari_cyhan Will/Elizabeth [Spoilers for POTC:AWE]
sylvanelfqueen, this is the fic I told you about.

-Insta-Rec: ART - John Sheppard and Vala Maldoran as...wait for it...tarts. *nods* Don't take my word for it, see for yourself. Warning: Levels of cute and sweetness may cause uncontrolable aww!-ing, squee-ing, urge to ruffle hair and pinch cheeks of fictional characters, and tooth decay. Proceed at own caution.

-Strikethrough '07: Who else has seen the icons that are using 'Hoist the Colors'? I think it is so amusing and fantastic that a song from AWE became an anthem for this. Also, the Strikethrough has its very own fanmix...Not a joke, I am downloading it as we speak from
fanmix, as created by
loves_bitch. And you wouldn't guess what song is on there! XD

fanmix, insta-rec, recs, storms, weather

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